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origtype field
It's empty, should it be?

Comments on origtype field

Forum Regular

Usergroup: Customer
Joined: Nov 26, 2003

Total Topics: 70
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Posted Jan 06, 2009 - 4:43 PM:

I was just surfing the database, trying to learn how all the information interacts in regards to sponsorship and all of my items entered thus far have nothing entered in the "origtype" field. I don't know if they're suppose to be but it seems like they should be which is why I'm asking.

In itemtype sponsorship assume if a customer upgrades from one paid sponsorship to another paid sponsorship itemtype this field would contain the first itemtype they signed up under. Correct?

Shouldn't these fields be filled with those itemtypes? At this moment, they are blank.

Granted at this moment, I have everything reverting to "regular" however I'm about to change this to revert to original type because my attempts to idiot proof the sponsorship area have failed somewhat and I'm just trying to find the balance between simplicity with wsn and simplicity with what the user sees and deals with.

Question(s) 2:

a) If customer A pays for itemtype X @ 50$ and then upgrades to itemtype Y for 100$ (7 days to reversion), it will revert to itemtype X after 7 days...correct so far?

b) If customer A still has funds for itemtype X, itemtype Y reverts to itemtype X (origtype) and is NOT hidden Correct? ("Should the items become hidden on expiration? " set to yes.)

c) If customer A has zero funds for itemtype X and itemtype Y will revert to itemtype X it will hide because funds for itemtype X are zero.... Correct?



Usergroup: Administrator
Joined: Dec 20, 2001
Location: Diamond Springs, California

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Posted Jan 14, 2009 - 4:14 PM:

1. Blank is normal unless the item is currently under an item type sponsorship. You're sure these are item sponsorships and not member?

2. It all depends on what your selection for "Use different funds for each sponsorship level?" is. The default is to have all funds considered equal.

2a. With default settings it all depends on your settings and how long they were at each level. They've deposited $150. It'll be deducted daily at the appropriate rate for whichever level they're at that day. With separated funds, it should work as you describe.

2b. If you've changed the selection discussed above to "yes" then that's how it should work.

2c. Again, with that selection, should be.
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