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User name + SEO = broken profile url

Comments on User name + SEO = broken profile url

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Posted Apr 07, 2009 - 2:54 PM:

I just had a user sign up and their SEO member profile url isn't functioning.

username: sandy
memberprofile becomes: sandy.html

all other usernames functioning.

IE This one below is functioning.

username: george
member profile becomes: george.html

At first I thought it was because they used caps, but that isn't it. I have another member also using caps and their member profile comes up immediately.

Regenerated members, still no luck.

What have they done? Sometimes punctuation will mess it up but I don't see any. I've had to put that in the registration form to tell users not to use punctuation.

Could it be something from the recent upgrade?

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Posted Apr 09, 2009 - 1:46 PM:

Found the problem but I have no solution.

Users cannot use the word AND in their username.

How to combat that other than "please don't use the word :and" in your name"?

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Posted Apr 10, 2009 - 4:12 AM:

What's your profiles rewriting scheme? It sounds like you don't have the id in it, which is required. The default is members/{MEMBERNAME}-{MEMBERID}.html

I have tons of members with "and" in their name, like www.webmastersite.net/forum...mbers/blandonnet-1121.html -- that's not the problem. The problem appears to be that you removed the -{MEMBERID} bit from your profile rewrite scheme.
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Posted Apr 10, 2009 - 10:03 AM:

members/{MEMBERNAME}.html is what I have but I don't remember changing it. Is this the default or did I erase something?

I'll add the id now.
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Posted Apr 10, 2009 - 10:08 AM:

When I add the -{MEMBERID} to the SEO url it breaks my custom image attachment on the member profile template. ODD

This is the code for the custom image attachment I have to show different items to different groups on the profile template.

<IF {THISMEMBERISGUEST} or {THISMEMBERUSERGROUP} is 2><h2 align="center">{MEMBERNAME}</h2><ELSE><IF {MEMBERWRITERPHOTOATTACHTITLE}><img src="{MEMBERWRITERPHOTOATTACHDOWNLOADURL}" style="margin:auto;"/><h2 align="center">{MEMBERNAME}</h2><br><ELSE><img src="images/profile_notfound.jpg" style="margin:auto;"><br><h2 align="center">{MEMBERNAME}</h2><br></IF></IF>

I'm removing the "-{MEMBERID}" from the SEO url for profiles until this post is read by you.

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Posted Apr 10, 2009 - 7:12 PM:

members/{MEMBERNAME}-{MEMBERID}.html has always been in the shipped value and anything without {MEMBERID} has never worked properly.

The URL of the page can't possibly affect that code, since the page isn't even aware of the rewritten URL -- it only knows the .php version that the .htaccess sends it. There has to be some other difference between the two scenarios. If you show me the examples I can probably spot it.
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Posted Apr 10, 2009 - 9:18 PM:

Well the code above is my example.

I literally changed the SEO url from



members/{ME MBERNAME}-{MEMBERID}.html

and this code stops working:

<IF {THISMEMBERISGUEST} or {THISMEMBERUSERGROUP} is 2><h2 align="center">{MEMBERNAME}</h2><ELSE><IF {MEMBERWRITERPHOTOATTACHTITLE}><img src="{MEMBERWRITERPHOTOATTACHDOWNLOADURL}"  style="margin:auto;"/><h2 align="center">{MEMBERNAME}</h2><br><ELSE><img src="images/profile_notfound.jpg"  style="margin:auto;"><br><h2 align="center">{MEMBERNAME}</h2><br></IF></IF> 

If the user hasn't uploaded a photo and you are logged in you see a holder image of a head with a question mark.
the other user does not. Neither image comes up when
members/{MEMBERNAME}-{MEMBERID}.html is the SEO url for profiles.
you'll have to set the SEO url temporarily to test it. I took off -{MEMBERID}

I am now remembering this broken image issue from before but never reported it, that's why I removed the -{MEMBERID} from the url in the first place.

login as me (if you still have the password) to see.

FYI guests do not have access to member profiles.
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Posted Apr 11, 2009 - 1:05 PM:

Testing some stuff today. Using a user as example. user has no photo uploaded to field WRITERPHOTOATTACH

When SEO is set to : members/{MEMBERNAME}-{MEMBERID}.html

Code looks like this in the browser:

 <img src="http://myurl.com/{MEMBERWRITERPHOTOATTACHDOWNLOADURL}" />

When SEO is set to : members/{MEMBERNAME}.html

Code looks like (expected behavior) this in the browser:

 <img src="http://myurl.com/images/profile_notfound.jpg">

This is odd behavior because with the correct SEO url members/{MEMBERNAME}-{MEMBERID}.html, the conditionals are read as if it's trying to read an attachment which of course doesn't exist because this user has nothing uploaded. But with SEO set to members/{MEMBERNAME}.html it correctly reads the conditionals and serves up the profile not found image.

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Posted Apr 12, 2009 - 2:03 AM:

Hm. Looks like whenever a member is loaded as a row, custom attachment fields are processed -- when they're loaded as a specific id, custom attachment fields aren't processed (non-processing means the template variables are literal unreplaced text, instead of blank, so they always evaluate to true in a conditional). It just so happens that the no-id rewrite scheme loads it as a row.

Same holds for custom rating fields.

This makes sense now, as members have special id processing.

Fixing in a really ugly duplication way for now in 5.0. Cleaning up to have it not be a special case (riskier) in 5.1.

This issue also applies to categories, as well as members.
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