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New install Apache rewrite will not work

Comments on New install Apache rewrite will not work

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Posted Jan 17, 2010 - 11:13 AM:

Can you think of any reason why in SEO settings, apache rewriting will not turn on?

This is a brand new install, I have done nothing strange to it, and when I turn on apache rewriting it says settings have been saved, but then shows that apache rewriting is turned off.

I have the correct ftp details in config.php
I have not changed any of the rewriting rules
I have not changed tweaks
my chmod settings are correct.
I do need to use SetEnv DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION 5 to turn PHP5 on, I have this in a .htaccess above public_html


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Posted Jan 18, 2010 - 2:24 AM:

Try manually renaming htaccess.txt to .htaccess and see what sort of error you get, if any.
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Posted Jan 18, 2010 - 5:21 AM:

No error. It just automatically renames .htaccess to htaccess.txt and in SEO options says the apache rewrite is off.
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Posted Jan 18, 2010 - 5:23 AM:

I used autosetup.php instead of manual install, which I don't usually do, could that cause the problem?

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Posted Jan 18, 2010 - 9:16 PM:

It just automatically renames .htaccess to htaccess.txt

When you mentioned this, I have this problem too. I cannot rename htaccess.txt since owner is set to nobody. I believe it's how the host (not wsnlinks) configures Apache to run on the server.

My host/server admin posted this for a similar issue in a user having problems with a joomla install: "cPanel file manager uses your local user, not nobody. We're doing some testing to switch everything over to suphp currently so that this will no longer be an issue."

For now, I actually have to make a new file in cPanel called .htaccess and copy the contents of htaccess.txt over to it.

Worth a try?

edit: Thanks jayweb! I researched the forums after you posted that "my worth a try" was already addressed. Yep, not only was it addressed, but I see there is a chmod utility in the admin maint that has been staring at me for months if not years. What an idiot. I'll go back into my hole now.
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Posted Jan 19, 2010 - 7:00 AM:

RE, yeah I understand that and yes that does happen. However this is not the problem for me. I can edit and rename WSN links files no problem. The problem is, if I rename htaccess.txt to .htaccessand then attempt to switch the apache rewrite on via the Admin panel SEO settings, the script renames .htaccess back to htaccess.txt

The problem you mention above has been addressed in a forum thread somewhere.

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Posted Jan 19, 2010 - 10:05 AM:

The test it runs is it tries to load the first category where all the criteria validated=1 AND deleted=0 AND hide=0 AND actaslink='' AND alias=0 AND name != '' are satisfied. If the rewritten URL for that category doesn't work, it turns off the rewriting. So the question is, what is it about your category that could make it not load? Other URL-loading functions are working, like the autoupgrade and recipocal link checking?

It's be easier to answer these questions with access.
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Posted Jan 19, 2010 - 10:11 AM:

Nothing strange about my 1st category, it is simply the "Example Category" renamed "Yamaha"

Reciprocal link checking I don't use, and what do you mean by autoupgrade?

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Posted Jan 21, 2010 - 6:15 AM:

In order to tell if your remote URL functions are working, I need to see the servertest.php file on your site. It says whether it's working or not.

and what do you mean by autoupgrade?

The button in your admin panel that you should be using for upgrades. If you haven't been using that, it sounds like maybe you don't have remote URL functions, which are a requirement.
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#10 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jan 21, 2010 - 6:46 AM:

It's a brand new install which is completely up to date, so no upgrades to see yet.

I'll let you know what happens when an update is available.



As a quick side note, I am soon going to need to purchase more licenses and I will buy a few in one go. Can I spread them between scripts or do I need to make seperate purchases for each script?

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#11 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jan 28, 2010 - 8:48 PM:

It's separate purchases for each script, but if you need 1-3 of one of the other scripts you'll find discounts for that on the discounts page of the customer downloads area for the script you currently own.

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#12 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jan 28, 2010 - 8:50 PM:

www.uprightandnakedmotorcyc...ycles.co.uk/servertest.php says remote url functions are working.

Finding the problem requires testing which things can be chopped off the query to get it to return a result, and it's not practical to ask you to do that for me, so it requires inspection: http://www.wsnlinks.com/inspection.html
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#13 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jan 29, 2010 - 8:40 AM:

Hi Paul

I have now actually moved the site onto my dedicated server which runs PHP5 and it all works fine.

My host, heart internet, who the site was with before I moved it, runs PHP4 and switches to PHP5 if you add - SetEnv DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION 5 - to the .htaccess. It seems to be this that causes the problem. I have tried adding it to an htaccess above public_html and that doesn't solve the problem.

It's shame heart internet don't run PHP5 as standard because I like them as a host. I don't know if there is something you can do to make WSN scripts allow the SetEnv DEFAULT_PHP_VERSION 5 PHP5 switch not make the apache rewrite fail?

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#14 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jan 29, 2010 - 6:09 PM:

If the required line is listed in the "extra htaccess content" box I'm not sure why it'd fail. Maybe that line has to be at the top, I added an $htaccesstop tweak because somebody needed something at the top of the .htaccess that wouldn't work in any other location.
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#15 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Jan 30, 2010 - 9:58 AM:

I thought that Paul. I tried everything before moving the site. I tried...

Adding it it a .htaccess file above the public_html directory
Adding it as extra htaccess content
Adding it to tweaks

None of that worked.

I then turned on rewriting by changing the setting in the database via PHPmyadmin and writing the .htaccess file manually. This worked as long as I never touched the SEO page in admin. However, this only worked short term and something always caused a problem with it.

I had to give up in the end and move the site. I used a backup of the database to populate a new database on the new server, so all the settings and categories were identical, and the rewrite worked without a hitch. This leads me to believe that either the switch to PHP5 line, or something else in the heart internet server settings was causing the script to not allow the rewrite.
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