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305 matching results for "david":

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JOB POSTING david Hello everybody,

I got a client of mine who wants to start a site for listing restaurants, that can be used for event planning. She has some solid, fixed down plans (site layout, database fields, etc.)

I already know that her site will have to be done very carefully (over 100 new database fields) with all the functionalities and sorting, searching capabilities that she is looking for. I am getting pretty good with the WSNLinks, but nowhere near good enough (plus no time).

So I am looking for somebody for a contract job to take care of the setup and customization for this client. Guaranteed that some PHP scripts would have to be written for this site, a database would have to be integrated, and more.

All I need, is the functionalities worked out. I would be able to tell you exactly what needs to be done as we go along, so don't worry about spending time on trying to 'develop' the site. The client and I take full responsibility for our decisions, all we need is somebody versed in the WSNLinks to instantly know what needs to be done in the script to get the desired result.

Not sure Paul, but you mentioned that I can post this here. If you feel like you need to move, or delete this, then no worries.

Whoever thinks they are up for this task, please send me an email (PAUL, delete this email if they should just PM/IM me through here) to david@skymarx.com with your expected hourly wage (or we'll figure something out for the project), your availability and your experience/expertise in the fields related and mentioned above.

FYI, whoever can do this job, will help along a new step for our company and therefore can become a contract-based subcontractor for any new related projects. Basically, if we can pull this off, I will be buying WSNLinks licenses every week, and giving the person plenty of work.

David Timar
Aug 02, 2005 - 1:24 AM Paid Scripts Support
< tr > in < ! -- BEGIN REGULAR -- > david Hey Paul,

Never mind. Just began a mass search in the php files for these <br> and such things. Hopefully I will find all of them. smiling face


Jul 30, 2005 - 4:13 AM Paid Scripts Support
RSS explanation david Yep. That did it. smiling face

Thx. Again. smiling face

Jul 30, 2005 - 4:02 AM Paid Scripts Support
< tr > in < ! -- BEGIN REGULAR -- > david Also, I know you are gonna think I am anal, but I am trying to get a valid XHTML happening here, which is why I need to know where to adjust certain elements that are placed into the HTML pages via the software. Such as a <br> for example, when displaying { CATHASNEW } . For example, all references like that, I have to change to < br / >.

Jul 30, 2005 - 3:39 AM Paid Scripts Support
< tr > in < ! -- BEGIN REGULAR -- > david Hey Paul,

Again, you are correct. The reason why I have to ask these easy questions, is because I can't find any documentation on them. smiling face

How would you format a condition in a toplist, if i don't want any links from a certain category to be included? condition="<{CATID} is not 5>" OR ?

Jul 30, 2005 - 3:36 AM Paid Scripts Support
< tr > in < ! -- BEGIN REGULAR -- > david Hey Paul,

Where can I do the same for the toplists?? The TRs and such appear and mess up the xhtml.

Jul 29, 2005 - 7:01 PM Paid Scripts Support
RSS explanation david Hey Paul,

I cannot find any good information about the use/implementation of the rssfeed.php in the manual or in the forum.

Run this by me again please. If I have a category and I want to enable visitors to receive the feed for that category in their feed reader, what's the procedure?

I created something like this: < a href="rssfeed.php?type=links&number=5&field=time&ascdesc=descending&condition=catid='5'" >

Doesn't do it. It doesn't actually pull up cat 5 only into the feed.

Am I formatting wrong? Also, is the above href the actual url to the feed, that visitors have to use in their feed reader?

Jul 29, 2005 - 2:48 PM Paid Scripts Support
top list to display certain links david Got it. smiling face Jul 29, 2005 - 12:06 AM Paid Scripts Support
top list to display certain links david Hey Paul,

Quicky. To have a toplist show only links from a certain category, how do I format the condition? I tried catid={5} but not good.

This will be in my wrapper.

Jul 28, 2005 - 11:38 PM Paid Scripts Support
Related links not working david I'll have to check that template then.

Regarding the unrelated. smiling face

1. My first intentions were to find a good directory script for a directory site I am building. The fact that I am also using this script for our online manuals, was more like a sudden decision (plus a good practice on the script for me).

2. Little hint on site design: Place a bold button or something at the top of these pages. A new button on the very top navigation, that says: "Other Products" or something to that affect would have directed me to your KnowledgeBase script. Believe it or not, until now, I didn't even know it existed. And the only reason why, is because there is no link to it from these WSNLINKS pages. wink



PS: if I had a client who is need of large customizations and setup on your WSNLINKS for their site, where (if at all) would I post such a 'job' opportunity?
Jul 26, 2005 - 1:57 AM Paid Scripts Support
NEXT button in comments.php david Can I say, DUH! You know, I have thought about that, but no idea why I didn't use integers for this problem Jul 26, 2005 - 1:33 AM Paid Scripts Support
< tr > in < ! -- BEGIN REGULAR -- > david yep. that did it. smiling face) thanks Paul. Jul 26, 2005 - 1:20 AM Paid Scripts Support
Related links not working david Hey Paul,

<div class="details"><b>Related Links:</b>

That's what I have as the standard on the comments.php page. It is not pulling up the related link's information though. It is pulling up the actual link's information that I am viewing.

Any thoughts? Here is an example: http://www.themlmsoftware.com/docs/comments.php?id=227

Jul 25, 2005 - 1:02 AM Paid Scripts Support
PHP include formatting david Yippeee! I have tried it all, but to put the quotation marks around the path...thx.

smiling face

(gotta learn php for myself, eh?) wink
Jul 24, 2005 - 7:34 PM Paid Scripts Support
< tr > in < ! -- BEGIN REGULAR -- > david Quick, but annoying question.

The template for displaying links says:

< ! -- BEGIN REGULAR -- >

and the ending of the regulars, etc.

BUT, when it actually displays, it adds a TR in front:

< tr >< ! -- BEGIN REGULAR -- >

Why? How can I stop that?

Jul 24, 2005 - 7:31 PM Paid Scripts Support
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