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morton82 Hi,

I have noticed that there is a relatd links feature. But i have to manually enter i.d numbers if i have to show up related links. This is impossible because it will take a huge amount of time to enter manually every i.d. for related links.

What i am thinking is can i use a toplist to show up all related links? FOr e.g,
There is this link called buy books at amazon, so the details page can show up 5 most related links from the same category. I tested all toplists functions but still not working.

Any help?
Jun 25, 2005 - 3:20 PM Paid Scripts Support
Different Indexing from Yahoo and Google morton82
You can change your .htaccess to do a permanent redirect from domain.com to www.domain.com. IMO, This is a good idea to do on any site because people sometimes link without the www. Its off topic, so PM me if you need help adding it.

I have already done a htaccess redirect from the domain http://mydomain.com to http://www.domain.com. And whenever i type in mysite.com, it will redirect to www.mysite.com.

BUT it will NOT do the same for wsnlinks category pages. For example, if i type in the url mysite.com/wsnlinks/cat1, it will not redirect to http://www.mysite.com/wsnlinks/cat1

There is another htaccess file in my wsnlinks folder and i do not dare to touch it.

thus you end up having a lot of URL only listings in search engines.

Nope. Yahoo is still indexing the latest pages. I checked the caches and found my latest cache all the time. But when i type in mysite.com/wsnlinks/cat1, nothing was found. So i guess Yahoo is not indexing the mod rewrite pages but instead the .php pages.

Though as far as details and reports pages and the like, 3.2 has an option to throw 404s to recognized search engines on non-essential pages to make them get lost.

So should i upgrade to 3.20? using 3.15 now. Google is indexing the page fine. Google indexed both .php pages and mod rewite pages but only lists mod rewrite pages on the serps. And i found the cache of .php pages to be february something.

However, yahoo is still getting those details and report pages which is useless. I want to optimize yahoo bot to index my site deeper.
Jun 19, 2005 - 12:24 PM Paid Scripts Support
Different Indexing from Yahoo and Google morton82 Hi,

I just noticed that referrals from Yahoo are coming from my site with urls like these:-

and Referrals from google from these:-

i am using mod rewrite feature of wsn links. So is yahoo indexing the site dynamically and google statically?

And i made a stupid mistake when started the site by linking my categories using the domain without the www such as http://mysite.com/.... while my main page is http://www.mysite.com with the www protocal.

Just wana share with others. And if you guys are also using mod rewrite, do you find the same referrals url?

Added: I just found out that yahoo is indexing my details and report pages. I already include a disallow command in the robots.txt disallowing all report and details pages. Why is yahoo still indexing those pages? Should i disallow index.php?
Jun 19, 2005 - 4:19 AM Paid Scripts Support
Javascript generation problem morton82 Ok, i got it working. Seems like i need to exclude the Begin toplist thing. SO the correct code for that field is:-

<CONFIG>links,id,20,descending,,,,0,0,0,100</CONFIG> grin
Jun 18, 2005 - 2:07 AM Paid Scripts Support
Javascript generation problem morton82 oK, I somehow managed to make it into the javascript folder.

i input the line
<!-- BEGIN TOPLIST 5 --><CONFIG>links,id,20,descending,,,,0,0,0,100</CONFIG>{NUMBER}) <a href="thread/{LINKID}" target="_blank">{LINKTITLE}</a><br><!-- END TOPLIST 5 -->

at the
Automatically generate javascript (.js) files every day for a toplists with these config lines (separate with the 'enter' key):

and name as freecontents.js at the second field.

All i get now is document.write(''); when i try to view it at mysite.com/wsnlinks/javascript/freecontents.js

so iw as thinking maybe the enter key makes a difference, so i decided to seperate the line and insert the config line as:-
<!-- BEGIN TOPLIST 5 -->
<CONFIG>links,id,20,descending,,,,0,0,0,100</CONFIG>{NUMBER}) <a href="thread/{LINKID}" target="_blank">{LINKTITLE}</a><br>
<!-- END TOPLIST 5 -->

and now the javascript folder contains nothing. shaking head but the field now lists the toplist with the following:-
<!-- BEGIN TOPLIST 5 -->
1) <a href="thread/2124" target="_blank">Link1</a><br>
<!-- BEGIN TOPLIST 5 -->
2) <a href="thread/2123" target="_blank">Link2</a><br>
<!-- BEGIN TOPLIST 5 -->
and so on to link 20

But still i cant view it or call it to freecontents.js

Do i have the correct values for the fields there? DO i insert the toplist config at the first field and the freecontents.js at the second field?

I have already chmoded the javascript folder to 777 and the freecontents.js to 666 permission.

Please Help!
Jun 18, 2005 - 1:49 AM Paid Scripts Support
Search Engine Optimization with WSN Link morton82 Yea. I dont think my directory can be considered as link farming. Each reciprocal link i acquired mostly are from begging from webmasters or at least giving them priority placement. And talking bout pr, nope. 1000 reciprocal links do not get me 6-8. I only have a mere 4 for the main page. Site has been online since last june. So i do not expect to get high pr so early. Age of site matters a lot in my opinion. Jun 16, 2005 - 11:00 PM Paid Scripts Support
Javascript generation problem morton82 I tried but the aceftp says that folder already existed or error. sad

Any recommendation for ftp software that will show the javascript folder?
Jun 16, 2005 - 10:55 PM Paid Scripts Support
Javascript generation problem morton82 Hi,

How do i chmod the javascript folder? I can't seem to find it at ftp. i was trying to use the javascript to generate feeds for my site. Here is my config file for the feed:-

<!-- BEGIN TOPLIST 5 -->
{NUMBER}) <a href="thread/{LINKID}" target="_blank">{LINKTITLE}</a><br>
<!-- END TOPLIST 5 -->

And i name the file as javafeed.js but when i view it, i cant seem to load the feed? Do i need to chmod the files first? And if so, where do the files go? Couldnt find the folder of javascript. I am using aceftp. Tried downloading cuteftp and also couldnt find it

I tried creating the folder but it says it has already existed. I remember last time when i typed in -br in wsftp and some hidden folders will show up or something. Is this the same thing?

Please help.
Jun 14, 2005 - 6:12 PM Paid Scripts Support
Search Engine Optimization with WSN Link morton82 What's going to hurt you is when all of the sites you link have a link right back to you on their pages. This type of link exchange has been out of favor for years.

I think reciprocal links still work but not as much benefit as one way link of course. My directory is built up upon reciprocal links mostly. I get some natural links of coruse but they are less than 100 i guess. While reciprocal links i get like 1000+
Jun 14, 2005 - 12:46 AM Paid Scripts Support
Reporting Bad Links Problem morton82 Yea, i am getting the exactly same problem lately. I also tried testing reporting the link with different browser( means not logged in as admin ).

Sometimes i get 2 emails with the ={LINKID} from my own i.p and another from sender's i.p. raised eyebrow
Jun 13, 2005 - 1:47 PM Paid Scripts Support
Search Engine Optimization with WSN Link morton82 Thanks for all the comments.

-Link partners aren't worth a whole lot; sites that exchange links don't get much credit.

I run a directory website and there is nothing except oubound links with some description and some more details pages. So if you are looking for "contents" on my site, then the description and outbound links are considered as content. I am adding a lot of links lately and now my site exceeds 1600 links.

And if you say that links partners arent worth a penny, then there will be no value to my whole site. Since what i am doing now is putting others links up and exchange with them.

ANyways, i think i wont do anything to change the sructure for now. Making quite a penny for myself advertising. :>
Jun 13, 2005 - 1:40 PM Paid Scripts Support
Search Engine Optimization with WSN Link morton82 Erm, i have been thinking a while and i need some suggestions.

I have a main site with a pr of 4. I am using direct linkout for external links. e.g. http://externallink.com instead of the tracking feature of WSN links. But i think i can boost up my pagerank by using the tracking feature and by putting up a robots.txt file indicating a disallow on mysite.com/links/

I thought of this because i am thinking search engines might think that my site has no content at all due to all external links.

But the problem is my link partners may be frowned upon what i did because i changed all to redirect feature. What do you guys think?

BTW, i run a craft directory websites listing all craft resources.
Jun 12, 2005 - 6:10 PM Paid Scripts Support
Search Engine Optimization with WSN Link morton82 Erm, i have been thinking of whether to put all my sponsored links with a nofollow tag. What do you guys think?

My site currently has over 1500 links and like 400 are sponsored. So there will be 400 nofollow tag links. Spammy?
Jun 07, 2005 - 12:34 PM Paid Scripts Support
Conditional on Comment page morton82 Have tried {TOTAlNUMCOMMENTS} and {TOTAlCOMMENT} OR {TOTALCOMMENTS} but still not working, any help? Jun 06, 2005 - 5:09 PM Paid Scripts Support
Conditional on Comment page morton82 Hi,

How do i make a conditional such as if there is no comment posted, there will be a message displayed like

There are no comments at the moment. Be the first to post one!
Anyone knows the conditional for this?
Jun 05, 2005 - 8:20 PM Paid Scripts Support
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