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305 matching results for "david":

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links become unvalidated david Hi Paul,

I posted a reply regarding this:

Oct 01, 2008 - 7:20 AM Paid Scripts Support
cannot alias links david I had the same problem in www.webmastersite.net/forum...orums/comments.php?id=8426. upgraded to 5.0.10 and now the following happens:

- if I add a new link (no alias added), I get an error
- if I add an alias to this new link, the alias is created, but I also get an error
- if I change the alias of this link that now has a single alias, I get the new alias ADDED to the link, NOT replacing the original alias. I have this in the edit.tpl for the alias part:

<select multiple="multiple" class="bordered" name="aliasids[]" size="40">{ALIASOPTIONS}</select><input type="hidden" name="aliassubmited" value="1" />

See all errors attached.

Oct 01, 2008 - 7:19 AM Paid Scripts Support
links become unvalidated david I thought I saw something in the changelog regarding this. Never mind. smiling face

Ok, so how can I have a single link appear in 2 categories, in a way that when I edit the link, it's ID doesn't change?
Sep 29, 2008 - 6:47 AM Paid Scripts Support
account verification code error david by the way, is it possible that the admin panel shows that the cache system is not active, while it actually is... ? the 'cacheload' field in the DB is empty. Sep 29, 2008 - 6:45 AM Paid Scripts Support
account verification code error david no cache system.
i just reverted all the way back to 4.x and the verification code is still the same... smiling face is there something in the WSN filesystem that needs some special permissions or something? That's the only thing I can think of now.

Interesting though, that in 4.x, when I visit the activation link, I actually get logged in. In 5.x I don't even get logged in.

What php or other files are responsible for generating this code and ensuring that when the activation code is visited, the person gets logged in? My guess is that something is wrong with file/folder permissions (even though I don't get errors).
Sep 29, 2008 - 6:43 AM Paid Scripts Support
email after each new member david Hi guys!

You can even put that php snippet in the message that is displayed when somebody clicks on an activation link. smiling face
Sep 28, 2008 - 4:35 PM Paid Scripts Support
links become unvalidated david Also, curious... Why is a link re-created when aliased??? What if I link (send it's url to a friend) to a link? Since the link's ID now changed (because it was automatically re-created for some reason), I know will have a 404 instead of the link??? Sep 28, 2008 - 4:21 PM Paid Scripts Support
links become unvalidated david Hi Paul,

No luck in 5.0.9. Still doing the same thing... I was about to launch with 5.0.3, then I upgraded, now I can't revert because of all the other things I changed. sad

Can you look into this issue a little more please, as anything that is aliased, doesn't get automatically validated when I submit the link or edit it.

Sep 28, 2008 - 4:19 PM Paid Scripts Support
account verification code error david nope. checked it in the latest WSN language file:
{DIRURL}/activate.php?memid={MEMBERID}&acti vation={MEMBERACTIVATIONCODE}

Still doing the same. I attached a debug info for the page I visit when hitting the activation link. Does that help, or should I grab debug info from another stage in the signup process?

Sep 28, 2008 - 3:31 PM Paid Scripts Support
account verification code error david Also, when the verification link is visited, it does verify the member, but doesn't sign them in, whereas this happened automatically before in 5.0.5. Sep 26, 2008 - 3:12 AM Paid Scripts Support
links become unvalidated david My sincere apologies. I set to bypass redirects, so I couldn't grab the debug info for a link edit. I attached the debug info, because it is a bit long (this is a real estate site with a ton of property attributes).

You see, it does delete my aliased link and creates a new one...
Sep 26, 2008 - 3:03 AM Paid Scripts Support
links become unvalidated david Ok, so then tell me how I can create debug info for the moment when a link is created/edited, so you can see what's happening.

Sep 26, 2008 - 2:55 AM Paid Scripts Support
account verification code error david No matter what browser, any time a new member signs up, the same verification code is sent out to them. What could be causing this? Sep 26, 2008 - 2:35 AM Paid Scripts Support
email after each new member david Hai, thanks very much for the code. Implementing something like this would have been my second choice. smiling face

Much appreciated.
Sep 26, 2008 - 1:39 AM Paid Scripts Support
links become unvalidated david Checked again in the DB. I have links, which are also aliased into another category. Whenever I edit the link, the alias link in the DB literally gets deleted, and a brand new alias link is created, which is unvalidated... This is a whole new kind of error, that I have never seen. sad

Did this help tracking this down? Should I send you Admin access?
Sep 25, 2008 - 3:39 PM Paid Scripts Support
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