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305 matching results for "david":

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between search broken david Here is a debug info:

Query 6: SELECT `id`,`to`,`subject`,`message`,`headers`,`replacement`,`mime` FROM wsnlinks_email WHERE timesent=0 AND inprogress=0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,10

Load time so far: 0.1 seconds.

Number of rows is 0

Creating search with new as new

Query 7: INSERT INTO wsnlinks_searches(`id`,`value`,`memberid`,`catid`,`time`) VALUES('','budapest , kiado 1 223 2 222','1','','1220653959')

Query 8: SELECT `id` FROM wsnlinks_searches ORDER BY id DESC

Load time so far: 0.11 seconds.

Setting cookie with name testcookie, value 25 and expiration time 3441307917

Query 9: SELECT `id`,`title`,`url`,`description`,`rating`,`votes`,`validated`,`catid`,`sumofvotes`,`email`,`time`,`hits`,`numcomments`,`hide`,`ownerid`,`voterips`,`voterids`,`lastedit`,`type`,`notify`,`suspect`,`pendingedit`,`funds`,`suspended`,`alias`,`expire`,`ip`,`inalbum`,`typeorder`,`recipurl`,`hitsin`,`recipwith`,`hitsinips`,`hitsoutips`,`lastcomment`,`related`,`inhidden`,`viewers`,`threadviewers`,`hitsintemp`,`hitsouttemp`,`origtype`,`importance`,`parentids`,`timesdead`,`timesemailed`,`threadclosed`,`threadposters`,`lastposterid`,`lastpostername`,`ownername`,`deleted`,`deletionreason`,`movedto`,`deletedby`,`timevalidated`,`filefield`,`message`,`sticky`,`downloads`,`pollid`,`posticon`,`savedby`,`validatedemail`,`unpaid`,`recipverified`,`effectivetime`,`sugcatid`,`pagerank`,`wysihtml`,`movedid`,`unrevised`,`feedurl`,`feedcache`,`feedcachetime`,`tags`,`xmlsource`,`ordercomments`,`lastpadupdate`,`padfile`,`lastmonthlycheck`,`invisibleto`,`profileurl`,`lastprofileurl`,`timesrenewed`,`timedeleted`,`helyseg`,`ar`,`varos`,`epitoanyag`,`alapterulet`,`kertmeret`,`szobaszam`,`felszobaszam`,`erkely`,`futes`,`kilatas`,`tajolas`,`komfort`,`lift`,`emeleten`,`parkolas`,`lakasallapot`,`extrak`,`butorozott`,`szintek`,`kiadoar`,`helysegenglish`,`epitoanyagenglish`,`erkelyenglish`,`futesenglish`,`kilatasenglish`,`tajolasenglish`,`komfortenglish`,`liftenglish`,`parkolasenglish`,`lakasallapotenglish`,`extrakenglish`,`butorozottenglish`,`descriptionenglish`,`kerulet`,`megye`,`eladokiado`,`gepesitett`,`gepesitettenglish`,`cim`,`hazszam`,`adminnotes`,`telek`,`sponsorend`,`address`,`city`,`state`,`country`,`latitude`,`longitude`,`zip`,`kiadoareuro` FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE (validated=1 AND invisibleto NOT LIKE '%|3|%' AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND alias=0 AND inalbum=0) AND ((effectivetime < 1220653959) AND (helyseg = 'budapest' AND eladokiado LIKE '%, kiado%' AND kiadoareuro '1 223')) ORDER BY typeorder ASC,time DESC LIMIT 0,60

Load time so far: 0.12 seconds.

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''1 223')) ORDER BY typeorder ASC,time DESC LIMIT 0,60' at line 1

Load time so far: 0.12 seconds.

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''1 223')) ORDER BY typeorder ASC,time DESC LIMIT 0,60' at line 1

Query 10: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE (validated=1 AND invisibleto NOT LIKE '%|3|%' AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND alias=0 AND inalbum=0) AND ((effectivetime < 1220653959) AND (helyseg = 'budapest' AND eladokiado LIKE '%, kiado%' AND kiadoareuro '1 223'))

An error occoured at ccc.com/search.php?action=f...r&filled=1&whichtype=links on 2008-09-05 22:32:39. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource' in /home/ccc/public_html/cventura/databases/mysql.php on line 50. Debug info:
Count is

An error occoured at ccc.com/search.php?action=f...r&filled=1&whichtype=links on 2008-09-05 22:32:39. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource' in /home/ccc/public_html/cventura/databases/mysql.php on line 47. Debug info:

Number of rows is You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''1 223'))' at line 1

Load time so far: 0.13 seconds.

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''1 223'))' at line 1

Query 11: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE memberid>0
Count is 1

Load time so far: 0.13 seconds.

Query 12: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE memberid=0 AND isrobot=0
Count is 0

Load time so far: 0.13 seconds.

Query 13: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE memberid=0 AND isrobot=1
Count is 1

Query 14: SELECT `id`,`memberid`,`location`,`time`,`ip`,`browser`,`starttime`,`catid`,`threadid`,`areaname`,`lastsearch`,`nopermission`,`inchat`,`name`,`isrobot`,`lastchat`,`groupnamestyle`,`acceptims`,`visibility`,`profileurl` FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE time > 1220653059 AND (memberid>0) ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 0,100

Load time so far: 0.14 seconds.

Number of rows is 1

Creating online with Array as row

Query 15: SELECT `id`,`memberid`,`location`,`time`,`ip`,`browser`,`starttime`,`catid`,`threadid`,`areaname`,`lastsearch`,`nopermission`,`inchat`,`name`,`isrobot`,`lastchat`,`groupnamestyle`,`acceptims`,`visibility`,`profileurl` FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE memberid=1

Load time so far: 0.32 seconds.

Number of rows is 1

Creating online with Array as row

Load time so far: 0.32 seconds.

Query 16: UPDATE wsnlinks_sessions SET starttime = '1220653410', name = 'daa@gmail.com', time = '1220653959', location = 'http://cccc.com/search.php?action=filter&&whichtype=links', catid = '', threadid = '', areaname = 'Search Results for {SEARCHTERM}', nopermission = '0', inchat = '0', ip = 'xxx.xxx.29.241' WHERE id=20
Sep 05, 2008 - 3:34 PM Paid Scripts Support
between search broken david the above error comes up when using both a min. and max. number to search between. if you just enter only a min. or a max. then everything is fine. Sep 05, 2008 - 3:07 PM Paid Scripts Support
between search broken david An error occoured at c-ccc.com/search.php?action...r&filled=1&whichtype=links on 2008-09-05 21:57:53. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'mysql_fetch_row(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource' in /home/ccc/public_html/cventura/databases/mysql.php on line 50. Debug info:

An error occoured at cccc.com/search.php?action=...r&filled=1&whichtype=links on 2008-09-05 21:57:53. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource' in /home/ccc/public_html/cventura/databases/mysql.php on line 47. Debug info:

That was the original error, and now I just got it again. Still figuring out why exactly...
Sep 05, 2008 - 2:59 PM Paid Scripts Support
between search broken david I think I figured out the problem. I had one of the searchmax fields mistyped, and it threw the search into a frenzy. Sep 05, 2008 - 2:37 PM Paid Scripts Support
between search broken david Hi Paul,

After upgrading to 5.0.3, the between searches that worked a minute ago, didn't work. I don't have the debug info, but I remember that instead of seeing a single digit (the 'search' part of a between search), I now saw both the 'search' and the 'searchmax' numbers in the DB query. So technically it was search a single field in the DB for 2 numbers.

I had to revert to 5.0.2, so I couldn't spend time on getting the debug info, but please test this on your WSN.

Sep 05, 2008 - 1:38 PM Paid Scripts Support
toplists in textareas david figured it out. there cannot be a blank last row in the textareas at all in the static file generator page. Sep 05, 2008 - 12:12 PM Paid Scripts Support
toplists in textareas david after upgrade to 5.0.3, the static file generator doesn't work again. the closing tags for the toplists are gone now, but I get this error:

Query 6: SELECT `name`,`content` FROM wsnlinks_settings WHERE type='special'

Load time so far: 0.1 seconds.

Number of rows is 15

Query 7: SELECT `name`,`content` FROM wsnlinks_settings WHERE type='special'

Load time so far: 0.1 seconds.

Number of rows is 15

Query 8: SELECT `name`,`content` FROM wsnlinks_settings WHERE type is NULL OR type != 'special'

Load time so far: 0.1 seconds.

Number of rows is 461

Query 9: SELECT `name`,`content` FROM wsnlinks_settings WHERE type='special'

Load time so far: 0.11 seconds.

Number of rows is 15

Load time so far: 0.12 seconds.

Query 10: UPDATE wsnlinks_settings SET content='http://cccc.com/index.php?custom=yes&TID=g_sidebar_searchHUN&usewrapper=no ccccc.com/index.php?custom=...ar_searchENG&usewrapper=no ' WHERE name='staticexporturllist'

Load time so far: 0.12 seconds.

Query 11: UPDATE wsnlinks_settings SET content='templates/multilingual/custom/sidebar_searchHUN.tpl templates/multilingual/custom/sidebar_searchENG.tpl ' WHERE name='staticexportnamelist'

An error occoured at ccccc.com/admin/prefs.php?s...hp?section=static&filled=1 on 2008-09-05 18:24:38. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'fopen(../) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Is a directory' in /home/cccc/public_html/cventura/includes/filefunctions.php on line 556.

An error occoured at http://ccc.com/admin/prefs.php?section=static&filled=1 on 2008-09-05 18:24:38. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource' in /home/ccccc/public_html/cventura/includes/filefunctions.php on line 556.

An error occoured at http://ccc.com/admin/prefs.php?section=static&filled=1 on 2008-09-05 18:24:38. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource' in /home/ccccc/public_html/cventura/includes/filefunctions.php on line 559.

Load time so far: 0.66 seconds.

Query 12: UPDATE wsnlinks_settings SET content='../styles/default' WHERE name='stylesheet'

Load time so far: 0.66 seconds.

Query 13: UPDATE wsnlinks_settings SET content='templates/multilingual' WHERE name='templatesdir'

An error occoured at http://ccc.com/admin/prefs.php?section=static&filled=1 on 2008-09-05 18:24:38. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'require(adminend.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: Permission denied' in /home/ccccc/public_html/cventura/admin/prefs.php on line 614.

An error occoured at http://ccc.com/admin/prefs.php?section=static&filled=1 on 2008-09-05 18:24:38. Please relay this data to support. Error #2: 'require(adminend.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: Permission denied' in /home/ccccc/public_html/cventura/admin/prefs.php on line 614.
Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'adminend.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/ccccc/public_html/cventura/admin/prefs.php on line 614

and i get my root folder chmoded to 666 automatically for some reason.

Sep 05, 2008 - 11:26 AM Paid Scripts Support
Advanced search bug? or... david Well, that didn't work. I changed those settings in the admin panel and changed the search type to OR, and I still get those spaces around the searchterms. Sep 03, 2008 - 1:41 AM Paid Scripts Support
Advanced search bug? or... david LIKE search works, if you submit a single thing to search for. But if you want to search for multiple values, the LIKE cannot work. So how is the OR search supposed to function? I mean, if I have a text input and enter two words, the OR type search should search for those 2 words. What if I don't have spaces around those 2 words? I won't find them? That would beat the purpose of the OR search, wouldn't it?

So the question is, how can we make the OR/AND type search actually search for the submitted words?

Sep 02, 2008 - 1:21 AM Paid Scripts Support
Advanced search bug? or... david Just ran the original QUERY that gets generated by the advanced search form, but erased those spaces in % I. % and it works good. So which PHP files are responsible for generating these search queries and putting those spaces around the search terms? smiling face

Sep 01, 2008 - 9:57 AM Paid Scripts Support
Advanced search bug? or... david Interesting. I changed the input fields to search for catids like this

<form action="search.php?action=filter&filled=1&whichtype=links&condition=and" method="post" name="searchadvanced">
<input type="text" class="bordered" name="catidsearch"/>
<input type="hidden" name="catidcondition" value="or" />
<input type="submit" value="Search" class="button" />

and it didn't do the same

`id`,`title`,`url`,`description`,`rating`,`votes`,`validated`,`catid`,`sumofvotes`,`email`,`time`,`hits`,`numcomments`,`hide`,`ownerid`,`voterips`,`voterids`,`lastedit`,`type`,`notify`,`suspect`,`pendingedit`,`funds`,`suspended`,`alias`,`expire`,`ip`,`inalbum`,`typeorder`,`recipurl`,`hitsin`,`recipwith`,`hitsinips`,`hitsoutips`,`lastcomment`,`related`,`inhidden`,`viewers`,`threadviewers`,`hitsintemp`,`hitsouttemp`,`origtype`,`importance`,`parentids`,`timesdead`,`timesemailed`,`threadclosed`,`threadposters`,`lastposterid`,`lastpostername`,`ownername`,`deleted`,`deletionreason`,`movedto`,`deletedby`,`timevalidated`,`filefield`,`message`,`sticky`,`downloads`,`pollid`,`posticon`,`savedby`,`validatedemail`,`unpaid`,`recipverified`,`effectivetime`,`sugcatid`,`pagerank`,`wysihtml`,`movedid`,`unrevised`,`feedurl`,`feedcache`,`feedcachetime`,`tags`,`xmlsource`,`ordercomments`,`lastpadupdate`,`padfile`,`lastmonthlycheck`,`invisibleto`,`profileurl`,`lastprofileurl`,`timesrenewed`,`timedeleted`,`helyseg`,`ar`,`varos`,`epitoanyag`,`alapterulet`,`kertmeret`,`szobaszam`,`felszobaszam`,`erkely`,`futes`,`kilatas`,`tajolas`,`komfort`,`lift`,`emeleten`,`parkolas`,`lakasallapot`,`extrak`,`butorozott`,`szintek`,`kiadoar`,`helysegenglish`,`epitoanyagenglish`,`erkelyenglish`,`futesenglish`,`kilatasenglish`,`tajolasenglish`,`komfortenglish`,`liftenglish`,`parkolasenglish`,`lakasallapotenglish`,`extrakenglish`,`butorozottenglish`,`descriptionenglish`,`kerulet`,`megye`,`eladokiado`,`gepesitett`,`gepesitettenglish`,`cim`,`hazszam`,`adminnotes`,`telek`,`sponsorend`,`address`,`city`,`state`,`country`,`latitude`,`longitude`,`zip`,`kiadoareuro` FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE (validated=1 AND invisibleto NOT LIKE '%|3|%' AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND inalbum=0) AND ((effectivetime < 1220283618) AND ((catid = 63))) ORDER BY typeorder ASC,time DESC LIMIT 0,60

Granted I changed the condition to OR, instead of LIKE, but I still don't understand.
Sep 01, 2008 - 8:40 AM Paid Scripts Support
Advanced search bug? or... david Hi Paul,

I don't know if this is a bug, or something else.

Take a very simple advanced search, with a single field to search in the links for. This is a text field. I enter 'I.' (without single quotation marks), and the system does the below:

`id`,`title`,`url`,`description`,`rating`,`votes`,`validated`,`catid`,`sumofvotes`,`email`,`time`,`hits`,`numcomments`,`hide`,`ownerid`,`voterips`,`voterids`,`lastedit`,`type`,`notify`,`suspect`,`pendingedit`,`funds`,`suspended`,`alias`,`expire`,`ip`,`inalbum`,`typeorder`,`recipurl`,`hitsin`,`recipwith`,`hitsinips`,`hitsoutips`,`lastcomment`,`related`,`inhidden`,`viewers`,`threadviewers`,`hitsintemp`,`hitsouttemp`,`origtype`,`importance`,`parentids`,`timesdead`,`timesemailed`,`threadclosed`,`threadposters`,`lastposterid`,`lastpostername`,`ownername`,`deleted`,`deletionreason`,`movedto`,`deletedby`,`timevalidated`,`filefield`,`message`,`sticky`,`downloads`,`pollid`,`posticon`,`savedby`,`validatedemail`,`unpaid`,`recipverified`,`effectivetime`,`sugcatid`,`pagerank`,`wysihtml`,`movedid`,`unrevised`,`feedurl`,`feedcache`,`feedcachetime`,`tags`,`xmlsource`,`ordercomments`,`lastpadupdate`,`padfile`,`lastmonthlycheck`,`invisibleto`,`profileurl`,`lastprofileurl`,`timesrenewed`,`timedeleted`,`helyseg`,`ar`,`varos`,`epitoanyag`,`alapterulet`,`kertmeret`,`szobaszam`,`felszobaszam`,`erkely`,`futes`,`kilatas`,`tajolas`,`komfort`,`lift`,`emeleten`,`parkolas`,`lakasallapot`,`extrak`,`butorozott`,`szintek`,`kiadoar`,`helysegenglish`,`epitoanyagenglish`,`erkelyenglish`,`futesenglish`,`kilatasenglish`,`tajolasenglish`,`komfortenglish`,`liftenglish`,`parkolasenglish`,`lakasallapotenglish`,`extrakenglish`,`butorozottenglish`,`descriptionenglish`,`kerulet`,`megye`,`eladokiado`,`gepesitett`,`gepesitettenglish`,`cim`,`hazszam`,`adminnotes`,`telek`,`sponsorend`,`address`,`city`,`state`,`country`,`latitude`,`longitude`,`zip`,`kiadoareuro` FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE (validated=1 AND invisibleto NOT LIKE '%|3|%' AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND alias=0 AND inalbum=0) AND ((effectivetime < 1220281754) AND ((kerulet LIKE '% I. %'))) ORDER BY typeorder ASC,time DESC LIMIT 0,60

Load time so far: 0.09 seconds.

Load time so far: 0.09 seconds.

Query 10: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_links WHERE (validated=1 AND invisibleto NOT LIKE '%|3|%' AND hide=0 AND deleted=0 AND alias=0 AND inalbum=0) AND ((effectivetime < 1220281754) AND ((kerulet LIKE '% I. %')))

What is interesting is the LIKE '% I. %'. Why is there a space around my 'I.'? If there wouldn't be, the search would find what I was looking for (I think, I hope).

Sep 01, 2008 - 8:14 AM Paid Scripts Support
between search doesn't include = david Hi Paul,

How exactly? I have this right now:

<input type="hidden" name="pricecondition" value="between" />
<input type="text" name="pricesearch" />
<input type="text" name="pricesearchmax" />

You mean simply change the pricecondition value to "<="? That didn't work.
Aug 31, 2008 - 9:38 AM Paid Scripts Support
redirectto into a new window david I see. sad it would have been for internal use, but it's not worth the trouble if it takes more than 10 minutes. smiling face

Aug 30, 2008 - 4:26 PM Paid Scripts Support
redirectto into a new window david Hi Paul,

How can I make a form REDIRECTTO to open the redirect in a new window/tab?

Aug 30, 2008 - 2:08 PM Paid Scripts Support
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