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102 matching results for "morton82":

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morton82 I cant see the code clearly, its all messed up. Can someone try to explain how to change this?

Desperately trying to get rssfeeds to work. mad

Can only get comments to work but all i want is the links regular and also reciprocal to work. Any help? Much appreciated.

Mostly is because this msg shows up in IE:-
The following tags were not closed: rss, channel.

XML Parsing Error: no element found in Firefox
Mar 14, 2005 - 7:07 PM Paid Scripts Support
morton82 I am running 3.05 version and was thinking of breaking toplist into few pages. But the codes here are all messed up. I couldnt understand what it means. I know that 3.10+ version can break toplist into multiple pages but am too lazy to change all the teamplates again.

Anyone knows how to deal with this?
Mar 13, 2005 - 7:09 PM Paid Scripts Support
How to set the time for redirect morton82 Hi,

I would like to set the time for redirection. For instance, when members report a broken link, they will be redirected to main index page. But the interval is too short. Some couldnt even know what is going on because they couldnt catch the words Thanks for reporting broekn link or something.

How to set the interval?
Mar 11, 2005 - 12:04 AM Paid Scripts Support
Another generate html question morton82 The reason i changed to static directory is because this webhost sucks with dynamic pages. I knew it when i tried to access the php pages. But it works ok for static html, so i guess i better switched all to html pages. But on two other websites, i am using mod rewrite since its too troublesome to generate html pages each time i add a link.

Mar 06, 2005 - 5:36 PM Paid Scripts Support
Email Subject Line morton82 Hi Paul,

Sorry for the misunderstanding. What i mean is the from line. Like when i open my emails, it says contact - New Link Added blah blah blah... So i would like to change the contact to MyDomain so that people will know that this email comes from mydomain instead of contact.
Mar 06, 2005 - 4:48 PM Paid Scripts Support
Another generate html question morton82 Hi Rik,

html means i use the generate html feature on the admin function to build all pages in html format.
Mar 05, 2005 - 5:22 PM Paid Scripts Support
Changing the display of Page Number morton82 Hi,

I have one category with over 300 links and getting more. The thing is the page number down there is like Page[1] .... Page[17]. This doesnt look neat. I would like to display only like 10 pages and then continue with others when clicked through page 10. Do i make this clear? Anyone?
Mar 05, 2005 - 5:21 PM Paid Scripts Support
Another generate html question morton82 Yea the comments are not generated but still i would be glad if i can also not generate the details pages. It would take a long time since my directory has over 1500+ link. I have tried to tweak with the makehtml.php but to no success. Any help Paul? or other experts who have done this before? Mar 05, 2005 - 11:16 AM Paid Scripts Support
Email Subject Line morton82 Hi,

I would like to change the title of my email subject lines. Now, all my outgoing emails are contact. Since i used contact@mydomain.com. So i suppose the title is also contact. Where do i change the subject line to Mydomain.com. I looked upon the manual but cant seem to find it. Pls help.

Mar 05, 2005 - 11:12 AM Paid Scripts Support
Another generate html question morton82 I guess i fixed the issue by deactivating mod rewrite and renamed the .htaccess back to .txt file. Now i can generate without problems.

One more question is when i make html, i only wanted the category pages to be generated. I already closed the comments system and now i do not want to generate link details pages too as this will save some time generating. Do i make some changes in the makehtml.php file? If so, which line do i change?

Sorry as i have no knowledge of php at all. Pls help.

Mar 04, 2005 - 10:23 PM Paid Scripts Support
Another generate html question morton82 Hi rik,

thx for replying. Nothing is wrong with htmloutput/cat1.htm. The thing is i tried to use htmloutput/Cat1/ instead of cat1.htm. I used the subdirectories (full category paths). And i have to link pages to htmloutput/Cat1/index.html in order to access that page and htmloutput/Cat1/ wont work. And Paul said its an apache issue. I have already contacted with my host and told them everything. I even included that i used mod rewrite for my directory. Hope that they can help.
Mar 04, 2005 - 10:38 AM Paid Scripts Support
Another generate html question morton82 Thanks for replying

Changed but still the same. sad
Mar 03, 2005 - 1:52 PM Paid Scripts Support
Another generate html question morton82 I would like to know why cant i access the pages using www.mysite.com/wsnlinks/htmloutput/Cat1/ ? Instead i have to link the page to www.mysite.com/wsnlinks/htmloutput/Cat1/index.html. I am using the subdirectories (full category paths). I thought Cat1 is a directory and i could access it by typing into the address bar without the index.html.

Anyone experienced with this or did i do something wrong here?
Mar 03, 2005 - 8:01 AM Paid Scripts Support
My website suspended due to high server morton82 One more thing is can anyone recommend me any adult entertainment related webhosting sites which allows adult content? The one i am using now is Globat and it sucks big time. I was thinking of switching host. Can anyone recommend me something real good? I checked on those webhosting review and it was full of affiliate links with the most commision on the top.

Mar 03, 2005 - 7:54 AM Paid Scripts Support
My website suspended due to high server morton82 I have 3 websites currently using WSNlinks.

First :-
MySQL Version: 4.0.16
MySQL Stats: Uptime: 4463721 Threads: 2 Questions: 68353482 Slow queries: 30 Opens: 4008 Flush tables: 2 Open tables: 2048 Queries per second avg: 15.313

:- this is my main website and be the longest using wsnlinks. Page loads fast.

MySQL Version: 4.1.9-standard-log
MySQL Stats: Uptime: 1256675 Threads: 1 Questions: 165817 Slow queries: 1 Opens: 657 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 64 Queries per second avg: 0.132

:-Been up for few weeks only. Page loads normal but not as fast as the first one.

MySQL Version: 4.0.18
MySQL Stats: Uptime: 1573771 Threads: 3 Questions: 78150139 Slow queries: 1294 Opens: 1997600 Flush tables: 1 Open tables: 256 Queries per second avg: 49.658

:-Very bad loading time. Up for few weeks only. I dunno why. My main page is in html format which is quite ok but not when into my wsn directory. When accessing all index.php files, it was like 5 secs or more to load a page. This is even worse in admin panel. Look at the slow queries, it is like 1294. So big difference compared to others. Is this because of my webhost?

Any comments or questions on this? BTW, 3 different websites on 3 different webhosts.

Added: Paul how do you check your page queries time with debug mode? Is it complicated to do so?
Mar 03, 2005 - 7:43 AM Paid Scripts Support
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