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102 matching results for "morton82":

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Member link list morton82 Yes paul.

I downloaded the latest version of 3.14 just a few days ago. Precisely its 3 days ago. So do i make another upgrade again?
Mar 02, 2005 - 4:34 AM Paid Scripts Support
Member link list morton82 We've iterated more than 200 times and there's still a {THISMEMBERCANREMOVE[ in your template, so there must be a problem (malformed attempt at a template variable maybe?

Ok i received this message after changing my template of album.tpl or member link list template file from 3.14 to 3.13. The reason i changed the template is because i found that 3.13 is working with the members link list. Members can remove the list but now not in 3.14. Maybe the {THISMEMBERCANREMOVE[ is gone or whatever. So how to fix this? Is member link list disabled?
Mar 01, 2005 - 11:25 AM Paid Scripts Support
Show Off Your WSN Link Directory! morton82 Wow! thats a good money. lets say someone deposit $100 and u get $20? man good field. good luck in you. I am also running wsnlinks with affiliate feature but mine is like 1.00-1.50 per signup which is very few. compared to yours, sigh shaking head Feb 17, 2005 - 5:13 AM Paid Scripts Support
Show Off Your WSN Link Directory! morton82 Purchasing players means sponsorship function? i did not activate that function. Do u thnk it works? how hard is it to set up? Feb 16, 2005 - 4:37 PM Paid Scripts Support
Show Off Your WSN Link Directory! morton82 Looks like a good feature of directory for gambling. How long has the site gone online? and mind to tell me how many visitors u getting each day? My site used to be visited by googlebot and getting more referrals from google but now most visitors from yahoo and msn,

Espeicllay like the fields where u can enter the desired search functions. How to do that?

Feb 16, 2005 - 12:49 PM Paid Scripts Support
Generate Html Problem morton82 Ok Solved. It seems like i put in index.html(space) instead of index.html in the field. SO that field screws up everything. Feb 15, 2005 - 5:44 PM Paid Scripts Support
Generate Html Problem morton82 Erm paul thx for replyin.

I tried that but still not working. The index.html pages are still not accessible. Others like comment.htm are fine but just not index.html. :< Is upgrading to 3.14 good? i have two sites using wsn links and another one is 3.13 but still when i tried generating html there, its still the same.

And the index.html was showed as file type instead of html format in FTP.
Feb 15, 2005 - 5:29 PM Paid Scripts Support
Generate Html Problem morton82 Hi all,

I am using the mod rewrite feature now to generate my directory but i would like to try swtiching to static pages. But when i tried generating the html pages, the pages could not be found. i am using the subdirectories on. Here is the settings:-

Absolute URL Prefix: http://www.mysite.com/test
Directory to write automated HTML to:test
Main index page: Index.html
Categories: index{PAGE}.html
Image Details : image{IMAGEID}.html
Comment Threads: comments{IMAGEID}{IMAGEPAGE}.html
Page Separator: -

When i successfully generated the pages, i can see that the directories and index pages do exist in my ftp but when i tried accessing online like typing http://www.mysite.com/test/mycategory1/index.html or http://www.mysite.com/test/mycategory1/index-2.html. It was 404 error. But i could access the pages when i tried http://www.mysite.com/test/mycategory1/ without the index.html behind. When i asked for support of my host provider, they said the pages are generated dynamically and the userids are different. THat is why i could not access the directory. Can somebody tell mehow to fix this? Please help.

Added: i guess its because of the subdirectory feature because i can get pages if i do not use the subcategories on. But i will get weird urls if i do not use the subcateogry. Like test/My Cat and Cat2.html or something. There will be no slash beneath and the NOTVAR appears for some files. .
Feb 15, 2005 - 2:15 PM Paid Scripts Support
morton82 Hi all,

I am trying to put {LINKEXPIREDAYS} in date format in my details pages. Instead of putting that this link will expired in {LINKEXPIREDAYS} days, i would like to put it in 2-14-2005 counting todays date.
Jan 27, 2005 - 8:51 PM Paid Scripts Support
Editing header with custom template morton82 $customwrapper = 'wrappername'; still does not do the work when i included into the contact.php. I have to use /contact.php?customwrapper=customwrappername link in order for the title and meta to show up. I tried creating a new language called {LANG_TITLE_CONTACT} but i am no programmer and duno how it works. Although now i can show the main title but it will be better without the ? sign and added i have to change the wrapper each time i make changes to the main wrapper. :< Jan 24, 2005 - 9:24 PM Paid Scripts Support
Editing header with custom template morton82 Paul, thanks for replying. But the $area = ': contact'; is still not working. How do i change the custom wrapper and inculde it into contact.php? Can you teach me how? Thanks a lot. Jan 22, 2005 - 8:39 AM Paid Scripts Support
Editing header with custom template morton82 ok. here is the question.

i created a custom template called contact.php using this feature:-

ok i have the page contact.php accessible. but i would like to modify the header and main meta of the page as the page shows Mysite.com:Main. Which i would like to change the title of the page to Mysite.com:contact us and some other meta description and meta keywords. It seems like this custom template is from the main index page.How can i do this?

Thanks a lot.
Jan 21, 2005 - 2:50 PM Paid Scripts Support
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