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166 matching results for "zippo":

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Generate HTML zippo babrees, I've not use this feature yet.

Do you have it generate in the main directory so the html and php are all together or do you separate them and have a new url for people to use the html version?

My site is comprised of only WSN Links so a http://example.com/ goes to the link directory main index. I'd like to, maybe use the html generation since you said it helps with the adsense but I'm not quite clear of how it should be intertwined with the dynamic site.
Feb 16, 2006 - 1:04 PM Paid Scripts Support
Displays size in kb of new attach file zippo I had a 0KB problem in 3.3.4 and never really isolated what was happening but it was apparently cured when I turned off "Use category names in URL", "Attachments directory as category tree" and all the mod_rewrite stuff. I've since turned back on minimal mod_rewrite but have left the others off and have not seen the problem again. Feb 16, 2006 - 12:55 PM Paid Scripts Support
Help categories are bugged zippo I can't reproduce this either.

Just a tip, capitaine, that wasn't obvious to me right off:

To order categories or help items begin from the bottom up. IE: with 5 items or categories, assign #5 then work up to #1, avoiding 0 unless you want to 'float' the 0 order items to the top in, what I assume will be, alpha order.
Feb 15, 2006 - 3:15 PM Paid Scripts Support
Registrant is member before the fact zippo I've not tried to create a problem with the condition but it isn't consistent IMO with a member/non system. They're guests until validated but already given member features (although only in other member viewpoints) as guests. Would they also be included in bulk mailings? Could other members e-mail them? These would be a serious problems since it could lead to a site getting tossed into some RBL. Feb 14, 2006 - 7:30 AM Paid Scripts Support
email all users, log and so forth zippo Hmm, the TO wasn't empty for the first example, when I didn't use any matching criteria.

Short of customizing the msg header with a CC: or Return-Receipt-To: I take it there isn't any way to confirm bulk messages have been sent?
Feb 13, 2006 - 2:25 PM Paid Scripts Support
Search IP address - gives error zippo
It does output a correct result if there are members matching the IP.
Ah, I didn't try an IP that wasn't assocaited with a member. smiling face
Feb 13, 2006 - 2:02 PM Paid Scripts Support
HOW-TO: QMAIL & E-Mail not being sent zippo I was having a problem with e-mails not being sent with an error:

qmail-inject: fatal: qq trouble creating files in queue (#4.3.0)

..showing up in my server log.

First let me explain the configuration since it's relevant.

- Virtuozzo+Plesk vps with physical hosting of a domain BUT not acting as DNS or EMAIL servers for the domain -- I'm using the registrar for DNS and EMAIL.

- no other domains being hosting however the VPS is acting as a second master DNS for domains hosted on another server. There is no email services being provided at all to anything on the VPS.

..in a nutshell I am not using the VPS in it's typical role.

Anyhow since the 1 site is physically being hosted but no real e-mail services are being used on the VPS the PHP+Qmail was in a kind of incomplete configuration for mail() to work. If I'd have set the domain up as is typically done on a Virtuozzo+Plesk VPS, providing DNS and email services to the domain this problem would not have occured.

Anyhow, the jist of it is I located qmail-queue (/var/qmail/bin) and confirm its' group/owner is qmail/qmailq and then chmod the file to 4511. For reference the permissions UID/GID should become exactly like qmail-queue.origin which is also in the same directory.
Feb 12, 2006 - 4:25 PM Paid Scripts Support
email all users, log and so forth zippo I dig up some older messages about the email all users, queue, and log.

Having just fixed a qmail problem on my server I now have email working and have been testing some things.

Few questions come up now though.

I have two members and I sent a custom email to all members explaining the problem and that they were in fact validated. Anyhow, upon sending the email I am notified that 2 emails have been dispatched.

I had QUEUE on. A few minutes later I had the log entry for one of the member email addresses.

After reading about the QUEUE and how it triggers on page loads I refreshed my main index figuring that was needed to confirm the second email was sent -- show up in the log.

Noda. Still nothing in the log but the one.

So I read about how the separate copy of the mass emails was a bug in early 3.x versions.. but I didn't see any clarification if there should be any indication of multiple recipients in the 1 single email log entry.. Which there isn't in my case.

WHich brings be to a few pointed questions:

1. how many index.php loads trigger the queue dispatching?
2. what should be in the log after a mass email of all members?

..and possibly a bug:

- member name of "Serious Sam"
- Send this email to members where their [name] [contains] Serious
- preview
- send

The log shows a blank TO column so I am not sure where the problem is. Matching the 'contains' query, preview clobbering the match or the log not logging it with a match..
Feb 12, 2006 - 3:55 PM Paid Scripts Support
Registrant is member before the fact zippo If a guest registers and is in an unvalidated state:

- they show as members in the currently online display, and thus:
- have a sign-able guestbook (apparently)
- can be PM'd (apparently)

* the 'apparently' means I did not try to sign the GB or send the PM to the unverified user..

However they do no show in the member list from the admin CP.
Feb 12, 2006 - 3:03 PM Paid Scripts Support
Backing up problem zippo New host? If not they may have reconfigured the PHP support. You'll need to ask them to allow exec() if you're not allowed configure PHP yourself.

Note: I am not sure if there is an option to work around this or not within WSN Links. You could work around it your self by using phpMyAdmin to backup the data though.
Feb 12, 2006 - 12:30 PM Paid Scripts Support
Contact the Administration zippo Fix confirmed in 3.3.6 Feb 12, 2006 - 12:15 PM Paid Scripts Support
Search IP address - gives error zippo Can't confirm. Works as expected with WSN Links 3.3.6 Pro, mySQL 3.23 and PHP 4.3. Feb 12, 2006 - 11:59 AM Paid Scripts Support
Reccomended (if it matters) structure? zippo hehe.

I wasn't suggesting anything.. except maybe that I don't quite understand alias links.

I've experimented more and think I have a better grasp on the parent<->alias link relationship.

One thing I have not been able to find a solution for though is the ID assignments are sky high for me after aliasing roughly 40 links to multiple secondary categories and later removing the alias.

Any way to reorder the link IDs? None of the maintenance functions seem to address this.

Frankly, it would be organizationally nice if the alias links didn't infiltrate to the primary link ID counter the way they do.

EG: something like a normal ID for link #1 = 1-0 and alias for ID 1 being 1-1, 1-2.. or some other way that could allow link ID to also more easily convey unique vs. alias link count.
Feb 10, 2006 - 12:02 AM Paid Scripts Support
Censor or Replace Words zippo Looking at my censor field in the settings table of WSN Forum I have:
bad1[,]good1, bad2[,]good2

It'd be easy to convert a word list into that format and pop it in the field with mySQL or phpmyadmin, if it's the same in WSN Links and the [,] and , are the only required delimiters..

Caselessness or simple pattern matching or wildcards would be handy.
Feb 09, 2006 - 11:07 PM Paid Scripts Support
Reccomended (if it matters) structure? zippo I'm not sure if it really matters since it seems that alias links are basically 'real' links too. However, I am working on a category stucture and wanted to know if there is any reccomended placement of links when the links will be aliased multiple time.

My first thought is to add the links to the highest level applicable then alias to subs or another category as needed, to allow a complete list of the links in the 'top' level category.

But I've some links that are better placed in a sub-category (of one category) and not -that- main category but are in another main category and not a sub of it.

CAT     1         2        3

SUB 1A 2A 3A

Link AA = 1 + 1A + 2A
Link BB = 1 + 2 + 1A + 2A
Link CC = 3 + 1A
Link DD = 1 + 2 + 3 + 3A

I guess in a nutshell, does/should it make any difference where I initially assign the link when alias will be created for the link?

EG: although it may seem odd, for link CC could there be any problem setting the link to 1A and alias it to 3?

My experience with it so far suggest that using alias the total site link count can get a bit inflated and the category and sub counts can seem off depending on placement and alias options.. But I am more interested in avoiding any kind of indexing problems or causing problems with related (or mySQL similars) links and such -- if there is any chance of that.
Feb 08, 2006 - 11:55 PM Paid Scripts Support
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