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339 matching results for "hai":

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theme packager hai When I first saw this option I was pretty interested thinking of it as a good way to keep backups after making extesive changes as well as implementing the same changes easily when moving a site. Unfortunately, it has never worked for me. Following are the errors I get when I hit the submit button -

This same line is repeated 5 or more times or doesn't come up at all -
Warning: ftp_mkdir(): Can't create directory: File exists in /home/path/to/wsndir/includes/filefunctions.php on line 124

This error comes up every time -
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: tar in /home/content/h/i/f/hifalls/html/thelist/admin/themepackager.php on line 46

Also, it doesn't matter if I choose the default template sets or one I created on my own, it also doesn't matter if I choose yes or no to the 2 include options.
Apr 26, 2008 - 4:00 PM Paid Scripts Support
my sql error when page loads hai Well, the site has been loading error free since my last post so I am finally considering this matter closed.

Thanks for all you help and suggestions. I still can't really pinpoint a logical reason for the errors or lack of them now, but as long as everything works I'm happy.
Mar 22, 2008 - 1:40 PM Paid Scripts Support
email owner when assigning link hai Very cool. Thanks Paul! Mar 17, 2008 - 5:35 AM Paid Scripts Support
email owner when assigning link hai Dear Paul,

Please go ahead and do this custom project for us.

Thank you.
Mar 13, 2008 - 7:41 AM Paid Scripts Support
{PASSWORD} not working hai Sorry for the post, found the answer (I believe, haven't tested yet) - scripts.webmastersite.net/w...rticles/passwords-137.html

Paul, the search in the sidebar on http://scripts.webmastersite.net/wsnlinks/wsnmanual410/ gives the following errors when selecting "search all"

Warning: mysqli_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/wmaster/public_html/scripts/wsnlinks/wsnmanual410/databases/mysqli.php on line 23

Warning: mysqli_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/wmaster/public_html/scripts/wsnlinks/wsnmanual410/databases/mysqli.php on line 23

Also the links that it shows, because it actually does give you results below the errors, do not work. I'm assuming now one may be affecting the other, but I thought you should know. Maybe it can help you avoid posts on stuff you've already addressed.
Mar 12, 2008 - 6:40 PM Paid Scripts Support
{PASSWORD} not working hai I have edited

email_notifyuserbody: {LANG_EMAIL_NOTIFYUSERBODY}

by adding the following line -

Your username is {MEMBERNAME} and your password is {PASSWORD}.

The resulting email includes the actual membername, but the password comes up as {PASSWORD} only.
Mar 12, 2008 - 6:14 PM Paid Scripts Support
my sql error when page loads hai Nope schedule them as they're named, 1/12/24. Actually, I even tried starting them at odd intervals just to make sure they
don't run at the same time. I agree 100% with you it doesn't make sense.

Currently, I have taken the only jobs from 12hour.php that I need (since it is the smallest one) and added them to daily.php
and have completely removed the 12hour file. Logically, I know it shouldn't make a difference, but I'm keeping my fingers
crossed anyway.
Mar 09, 2008 - 8:08 PM Paid Scripts Support
my sql error when page loads hai Sigh, so much for thinking this was a done deal. Just when I thought I found my problem and had a decent solution
I've apparently made it worse, so it's back to the drawing board.

Just wanted to post so that anyone reading this wouldn't think my solution fixed it. If I find anything else I will
update this again.
Mar 09, 2008 - 8:27 AM Paid Scripts Support
can commas be replaced by mod_rewrite? hai I had actually figured most of that out, but I don't know enough about rewrite to be able to actually implement it. Everything I tried wouldn't work and I wasn't able to figure it out from the existing htaccess.

The more I think about it the less important it becomes so I guess I'll just leave it as is. Thanks for your help.
Mar 06, 2008 - 7:50 PM Paid Scripts Support
my sql error when page loads hai Well, after running a bunch of different scenarios I figured out that there are
slightly more cron jobs than the site can take. It loads fine with 2 crons, but
as soon as I add the third (whichever one that happens to be) it starts giving
me errors. So I ended up trying to combine 2 of the crons into 1 file just as a
test, but that gave me errors as well.

Finally, I looked through the php files, and commented out any jobs that I am not
using. For example, the job that checks for expired links. None of my links will
ever expire so I commented that one out as well as a couple others like member
birthdays as another example. So far it looks like that did the trick. I'm keeping
my fingers crossed.

Anyway, I just thought I'd update the thread with my findings. Thanks again for
all your help.
Mar 06, 2008 - 7:27 PM Paid Scripts Support
can commas be replaced by mod_rewrite? hai Some of my categories have commas in them so when using URL rewriting it reverts back to the category ID, is there a way to replace commas with another character in the same way spaces are replaced with underscores? Mar 05, 2008 - 10:04 PM Paid Scripts Support
broken link on wsnlinks.com hai Actually, I still show it as broken. Are you using the cache system on the site? Maybe that's why I don't show that it's updated? Feb 14, 2008 - 8:00 AM Paid Scripts Support
my sql error when page loads hai Hey, sometime you just have to live life on the edge!

Plus it's not really a revenue generating site, basically a hobby site for my husband and a place for us to
have access his music collection. Obviously, I don't want to annoy any users whether they're our friends
or people stumbling across the site, but my options are limited.

Anyway, thanks for that list of items that the crons affect at least I now know what to look for. I've actually
started re-adding them one at a time to see if it's just one causing the error or just the combination
of having all three.

If I find anything out I'll keep you updated.
Feb 14, 2008 - 7:48 AM Paid Scripts Support
email owner when assigning link hai Thanks for getting us the price on the working on this project for us. I have a question about it though. Would it be setup so that we can customize the emails and subjects going to the owners or will those emails be coded by you? If we won't be able to edit the subject and body of those emails can I send you the information I'd like included? And would adding that part of the project increase your fee?

Thanks again.
Feb 14, 2008 - 7:35 AM Paid Scripts Support
my sql error when page loads hai None right now that I know of. Since I'm not sure what exactly those crons controlled I won't know until I notice
something not working as it should or someone complains. As of now the site works and loads like a dream.
Feb 11, 2008 - 6:49 PM Paid Scripts Support
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