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305 matching results for "david":

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where is the update server david I just moved my installation to a new server, but now the admin panel doesn't show that there is an upgrade available. I assume it is because it cannot connect to the upgrade server. For debug purposes, can you tell me the address of the wsn upgrade server?

Feb 08, 2009 - 2:30 AM Paid Scripts Support
custom table search error david BEMUTATVATOMEMBER = WIDGETSTOMEMBER
It's a field in the custom table called 'bemutatva' in my DB.
Oct 17, 2008 - 9:36 AM Paid Scripts Support
custom table search error david Hi Paul,

While the above issue IS an issue I think, I have temporarily patched it like this:

- instead of showing a toplist in the search results page for this custom table search, I put an iframe in there and passed the needed {WIDGETSTOMEMBERS} variable

<iframe name="widgetssuper{WIDGETSID}" src="index.php?custom=yes&TID=widget_search_extra&usewrapper=no&widgetstomember={WIDGETSTOMEMBER}"></iframe>

- and I put the original toplist in the 'widget_search_extra' custom template.

smiling face

BUT, I still think that the above error is an error...
Oct 14, 2008 - 8:08 AM Paid Scripts Support

Not sure what you mean by maze of custom fields... I know I have a lot, but what do they have to do with doing a toplist on members with the condition 'id = 1' (or any other number)? They shouldn't.

Even if I change what I want to display in the toplist content to the letter 'a' only, the error is still the same. Again, now running 5.0.13, here is something new to ponder:

- I have a search result that does a search in my custom table -> results queried and displayed are fine.
- I have the below toplist for each search result

<!-- END TOPLIST -->

This works fine, but it is not what I need.

- As soon as I give a condition to the above toplist, it only generates the toplist once. So if My CONFIG becomes this:


Then the area where the second, third, so on, toplist content is supposed to appear, just displays the toplist config.
BUT what is really interesting, is that the line that it displays, looks like this:


25 is one of the members that was found in the search and used in this search results page, which is working fine. WHAT IS INTERESTING, is that the number 25 DOES get put into the proper place in the CONFIG line of the second toplist, BUT the toplist content doesn't get rendered.

I saw the sandbox you sent the me the link to, but I am not sure if the test you ran there is exactly how the problem came up. The complete setup:

- setup a custom table (for description sake, let's call it WIDGETS)

- WIDGETS custom table should have the following fields: id, tomember, link

- look up 2 members and 1 link in your existing WSN installation. Jot down their ID numbers. Let's say you have member IDs #3 and #4, and link ID #32.

- make sure that your widgets_search.tpl contains this:

<!-- BEGIN SEARCH widgets RESULTS -->
<!-- END TOPLIST -->
<!-- END SEARCH widgets RESULTS -->

- manually or however, add 2 new entries to the WIDGETS table in the DB:
line 1: ID (incremented, so whatever); TOMEMBER: 3; LINK: 32
line 2: ID (incremented, so whatever); TOMEMBER: 4; LINK: 32

- do a search:


It should produce the same problems, which is:
- you would see 2 results to the search -> good
- you would see the MEMBERID and MEMBERNAME displayed for only the first toplist in the first searchresult -> good
- you would see CONFIG displayed for the second toplist in the second searchresult -> not good

Oct 14, 2008 - 7:58 AM Paid Scripts Support
custom table search redirect david <input type="hidden" value="{CURRENTURL}" name="destination" />
solved it. smiling face
Oct 14, 2008 - 6:25 AM Paid Scripts Support
links become unvalidated david 5.0.13 fixed all these issues. smiling face Muchas Gracias Paul! Oct 14, 2008 - 6:10 AM Paid Scripts Support
custom table search redirect david no documentation. I assumed that redirectto is simply a variable that is passed to a form, and it redirects there no matter what. Ok, so no worries, I'll figure something out. (if I can pass a variable that I can show on the redirect.tpl, then I can redirect to where I want I guess) Oct 14, 2008 - 12:19 AM Paid Scripts Support
links become unvalidated david "When I go back to edit the same link 217, it has BOTH aliases pre-selected

Okay... but this apparently has absolutely nothing to do with any of the things you've been talking about in the thread."

I won't argue. Can you look into this issue? Once this is resolved, I'll see if any of the previous issues are actually still issues. smiling face

Oct 13, 2008 - 9:18 AM Paid Scripts Support
custom table search redirect david Because it is easier to edit a custom link this way. smiling face

Doesn't matter. I could put the edits onto a totally separate custom template, the redirection never works, when entered manually into a form.
Oct 12, 2008 - 11:40 PM Paid Scripts Support
links become unvalidated david Here is the test that still produced the same results:

1. Here is a custom link edit form (copied from 5.0.12 template):

<form name="editform" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="https://www.webmastersite.net/forums/edit.php?action=link&filled=1&id={LINKID}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="oldcategory" value="{OLDCATID}" />
<input type="hidden" name="helyseg" value="{LINKHELYSEG}" />
<select name="catid">{CATSELECTOR}</select>

<select multiple="multiple" name="aliasids[]" size="5">{ALIASOPTIONS}</select><input type="hidden" name="aliassubmited" value="1" />
<textarea cols="45" rows="5" name="description">{LINKDESCRIPTION}</textarea>

<input type="submit" value="submit" class="button" />

I edited link #217, which is not alised anywhere. I added it to category 88. It created a new alias link in the DB, with id 223. So far so good.

See debug 1.txt for output after submission of the edit form.

2. I edited the same link 217. The alias was properly selected in the alias multiselect dropdown. I selected ONLY A SINGLE alias category from the alias list now, namely category 41. Category 88 WAS NOT selected in this multiselect dropdown. For testing purposes, I also changed the link's description to 'test2'.

See debug 2.txt for the output after submission of the edit form.

Alias link 223 that was created in the first step, stayed in the DB.
Alias link 224 was now created in the DB for category 41.
All 3 links in the DB had their description changed to 'test2' (this is to prove it touched all 3 links).

3. I edited the original link 217. Both aliases were properly pre-selected in the form when I loaded the edit template. I now DESELECTED category 41 (which I selected in test 2), so that only category 88 was highlighted in the alias dropdown. For testing purposes, I also changed the link's description to 'test3'.

See debug 3.txt for the output after submission of the edit form.

Alias link 223 that was created in the first step, stayed in the DB.
Alias link 224 that was created in the second step, stayed in the DB.
All 3 links in the DB had their description changed to 'test3' (this is to prove it touched all 3 links).
THE ERROR REMAINED HERE! When I go back to edit the same link 217, it has BOTH aliases pre-selected, even though it should now only have category 88 selected.

Not sure what else you need me to test, but that's as basic as the edit can get I think. Please look into this.

Oct 12, 2008 - 9:16 AM Paid Scripts Support
links become unvalidated david Hi Paul,

I'll try using your template again, that came with 5.0.12, to see if the alias function works on there, or it just doesn't work on my edit link template.
Oct 12, 2008 - 8:42 AM Paid Scripts Support
custom table search redirect david No, when there is a match. I do a search in the custom table, then on the results page, I have this in the template:

<form action="generics.php?filled=1&action=edit&classname=customtablename&id={CUSTOMTABLENAMEID}" method="post">

So basically I have a form, and I pull up the search results in order to edit one of them. Whenever I edit one, I want the next page to show up to be the same page as the search results page.

"I believe redirectto would only be used if you didn't fill in the spot on the redirects page. "
Precisely. That's my point. I thought that the 'redirectto' field in a form does redirect you to the specified page after a form submission, REGARDLESS of what is in the admin panel redirects (if anything at all).
Oct 12, 2008 - 7:36 AM Paid Scripts Support
links become unvalidated david Still having issues in 5.0.12

I attached my link edit template (customlinks included).

When I change the alias of a link, it
1. creates a new link in the database
2. doesn't delete the old alias or makes it hidden or anything
3. doesn't show both aliases in the dropdown selector when editing the same link again

All I want, is for a link to properly reflect where it is aliased. If I deselect something on the alias list in the editlink page, that link should not show up in the old aliased category. But it still does, and when I try to edit the link, the alias dropdown (multiselect) has only the latest alias selected which I added to the link.

Am I missing something? What is causing the aliasids[] form field to NOT select all categories in which the link is aliased in?

Oct 09, 2008 - 9:59 AM Paid Scripts Support
custom table search error david interesting. i created another search, which searches in the customtable I created, and put a toplist in between the <!-- BEGIN SEARCH customtable RESULTS -->, and it only seems to generate the first toplist.

This is the query:


This search produces the desired results, namely finding 2 properties, which is correct. It displays their information correctly.
However, there is a toplist to be displayed for each result. This toplist is:

<select name="tomember" class="bordered">
<option value="{MEMBERID}" <IF {MEMBERID} is {BEMUTATVATOMEMBER}>selected="selected"</IF>>{MEMBERFULLNAME} - {MEMBERNAME}</option>
<!-- END TOPLIST -->

This generates a dropdown for the first search result, but doesn't generate it for the second one. INSTEAD for the second one, it uses MY ADMIN member information (since I am logged in). So really, it doesn't generate the toplist, but uses any available MEMBERFULLNAME and MEMBERNAME info, which is mine as a logged admin.

here is the debug info:

Query 6: SELECT `id`,`to`,`subject`,`message`,`headers`,`replacement`,`mime` FROM wsnlinks_email WHERE timesent=0 AND inprogress=0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 0,10

Load time so far: 0.15 seconds.

Number of rows is 0

Query 7: SELECT `id`,`time`,`lastedit`,`ownerid`,`editedby`,`showdate`,`property`,`tomember` FROM wsnlinks_bemutatva WHERE ((property = 213)) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,60

Load time so far: 0.15 seconds.

Load time so far: 0.15 seconds.

Query 8: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM wsnlinks_bemutatva WHERE ((property = 213))
Count is 2

Number of rows is 2

Creating bemutatva with Array as row

Query 9: SELECT `id`,`name`,`links`,`comments`,`time`,`usergroup`,`password`,`ip`,`totalhits`,`totalhitsin`,`email`,`validated`,`template`,`language`,`lastattempt`,`allowemail`,`signature`,`avatarname`,`stylesheet`,`allowuseremail`,`albumid`,`failedattempts`,`totalbytes`,`funds`,`notifyoflinks`,`lastvisit`,`timezone`,`rating`,`pmfolders`,`notifyofpms`,`acceptpms`,`cookieduration`,`banned`,`location`,`homepage`,`occupation`,`bio`,`aim`,`icq`,`msn`,`yahoo`,`inactive`,`timeonline`,`totalpms`,`buddies`,`ignored`,`isonline`,`acceptims`,`adminpermissions`,`referrer`,`groupreverttime`,`grouprevertto`,`moderationpm`,`secondarygroups`,`linksperpage`,`commentsperpage`,`shouts`,`customtitle`,`shoutban`,`topicbans`,`forumbans`,`visibility`,`birthdate`,`lastsession`,`interests`,`posteditor`,`forumaccess`,`pmpopup`,`pmnotify`,`modnotes`,`guestnotes`,`salt`,`lastmodnote`,`newpms`,`imflag`,`orderalbums`,`lastguestnote`,`autosubscribe`,`notifymethod`,`showavatars`,`showsigs`,`warninglevel`,`topics`,`posts`,`chatcolor`,`traderrating`,`invitessent`,`validatedemail`,`calsub`,`macros`,`guestnotify`,`keychecktime`,`notifykeywords`,`autosubscribepost`,`blogrss`,`positivepct`,`notifytrader`,`minar`,`maxar`,`varos`,`epitoanyag`,`minalapterulet`,`maxalapterulet`,`minhelysegszam`,`maxhelysegszam`,`minfelszobaszam`,`maxfelszobaszam`,`erkely`,`futes`,`kilatas`,`tajolas`,`komfort`,`lift`,`minemeleten`,`maxemeleten`,`parkolas`,`lakasallapot`,`extrak`,`butorozott`,`telefon`,`minkiadoar`,`maxkiadoar`,`megye`,`kerulet`,`eladokategoria`,`gepesitett`,`mintelek`,`maxtelek`,`inactiveemail`,`minkiadoareuro`,`maxkiadoareuro`,`kiadokategoria`,`fullname`,`kertkapcsolat` FROM wsnlinks_members WHERE id='1'

Load time so far: 0.16 seconds.

Number of rows is 1

Creating bemutatva with Array as row

Query 10: SELECT `id`,`name`,`links`,`comments`,`time`,`usergroup`,`password`,`ip`,`totalhits`,`totalhitsin`,`email`,`validated`,`template`,`language`,`lastattempt`,`allowemail`,`signature`,`avatarname`,`stylesheet`,`allowuseremail`,`albumid`,`failedattempts`,`totalbytes`,`funds`,`notifyoflinks`,`lastvisit`,`timezone`,`rating`,`pmfolders`,`notifyofpms`,`acceptpms`,`cookieduration`,`banned`,`location`,`homepage`,`occupation`,`bio`,`aim`,`icq`,`msn`,`yahoo`,`inactive`,`timeonline`,`totalpms`,`buddies`,`ignored`,`isonline`,`acceptims`,`adminpermissions`,`referrer`,`groupreverttime`,`grouprevertto`,`moderationpm`,`secondarygroups`,`linksperpage`,`commentsperpage`,`shouts`,`customtitle`,`shoutban`,`topicbans`,`forumbans`,`visibility`,`birthdate`,`lastsession`,`interests`,`posteditor`,`forumaccess`,`pmpopup`,`pmnotify`,`modnotes`,`guestnotes`,`salt`,`lastmodnote`,`newpms`,`imflag`,`orderalbums`,`lastguestnote`,`autosubscribe`,`notifymethod`,`showavatars`,`showsigs`,`warninglevel`,`topics`,`posts`,`chatcolor`,`traderrating`,`invitessent`,`validatedemail`,`calsub`,`macros`,`guestnotify`,`keychecktime`,`notifykeywords`,`autosubscribepost`,`blogrss`,`positivepct`,`notifytrader`,`minar`,`maxar`,`varos`,`epitoanyag`,`minalapterulet`,`maxalapterulet`,`minhelysegszam`,`maxhelysegszam`,`minfelszobaszam`,`maxfelszobaszam`,`erkely`,`futes`,`kilatas`,`tajolas`,`komfort`,`lift`,`minemeleten`,`maxemeleten`,`parkolas`,`lakasallapot`,`extrak`,`butorozott`,`telefon`,`minkiadoar`,`maxkiadoar`,`megye`,`kerulet`,`eladokategoria`,`gepesitett`,`mintelek`,`maxtelek`,`inactiveemail`,`minkiadoareuro`,`maxkiadoareuro`,`kiadokategoria`,`fullname`,`kertkapcsolat` FROM wsnlinks_members WHERE id='1'

Load time so far: 0.16 seconds.

Number of rows is 1

Query 11: SELECT `id`,`name`,`links`,`comments`,`time`,`usergroup`,`password`,`ip`,`totalhits`,`totalhitsin`,`email`,`validated`,`template`,`language`,`lastattempt`,`allowemail`,`signature`,`avatarname`,`stylesheet`,`allowuseremail`,`albumid`,`failedattempts`,`totalbytes`,`funds`,`notifyoflinks`,`lastvisit`,`timezone`,`rating`,`pmfolders`,`notifyofpms`,`acceptpms`,`cookieduration`,`banned`,`location`,`homepage`,`occupation`,`bio`,`aim`,`icq`,`msn`,`yahoo`,`inactive`,`timeonline`,`totalpms`,`buddies`,`ignored`,`isonline`,`acceptims`,`adminpermissions`,`referrer`,`groupreverttime`,`grouprevertto`,`moderationpm`,`secondarygroups`,`linksperpage`,`commentsperpage`,`shouts`,`customtitle`,`shoutban`,`topicbans`,`forumbans`,`visibility`,`birthdate`,`lastsession`,`interests`,`posteditor`,`forumaccess`,`pmpopup`,`pmnotify`,`modnotes`,`guestnotes`,`salt`,`lastmodnote`,`newpms`,`imflag`,`orderalbums`,`lastguestnote`,`autosubscribe`,`notifymethod`,`showavatars`,`showsigs`,`warninglevel`,`topics`,`posts`,`chatcolor`,`traderrating`,`invitessent`,`validatedemail`,`calsub`,`macros`,`guestnotify`,`keychecktime`,`notifykeywords`,`autosubscribepost`,`blogrss`,`positivepct`,`notifytrader`,`minar`,`maxar`,`varos`,`epitoanyag`,`minalapterulet`,`maxalapterulet`,`minhelysegszam`,`maxhelysegszam`,`minfelszobaszam`,`maxfelszobaszam`,`erkely`,`futes`,`kilatas`,`tajolas`,`komfort`,`lift`,`minemeleten`,`maxemeleten`,`parkolas`,`lakasallapot`,`extrak`,`butorozott`,`telefon`,`minkiadoar`,`maxkiadoar`,`megye`,`kerulet`,`eladokategoria`,`gepesitett`,`mintelek`,`maxtelek`,`inactiveemail`,`minkiadoareuro`,`maxkiadoareuro`,`kiadokategoria`,`fullname`,`kertkapcsolat` FROM wsnlinks_members WHERE validated=1 ORDER BY fullname ASC LIMIT 0,999999

Load time so far: 0.17 seconds.

Number of rows is 3

Creating member with Array as row

Creating member with Array as row

Creating member with Array as row

Creating bemutatva with 14 as id

Query 12: SELECT `id`,`time`,`lastedit`,`ownerid`,`editedby`,`showdate`,`property`,`tomember` FROM wsnlinks_bemutatva WHERE id=14

Load time so far: 0.17 seconds.

Creating bemutatva with 12 as id

Query 13: SELECT `id`,`time`,`lastedit`,`ownerid`,`editedby`,`showdate`,`property`,`tomember` FROM wsnlinks_bemutatva WHERE id=12

Load time so far: 0.17 seconds.

Query 14: SELECT `id`,`memberid`,`location`,`time`,`ip`,`browser`,`starttime`,`catid`,`threadid`,`areaname`,`lastsearch`,`nopermission`,`inchat`,`name`,`isrobot`,`lastchat`,`groupnamestyle`,`acceptims`,`visibility`,`profileurl` FROM wsnlinks_sessions WHERE memberid=1

Load time so far: 0.21 seconds.

Number of rows is 1

Creating online with Array as row

Load time so far: 0.21 seconds.

Oct 09, 2008 - 8:04 AM Paid Scripts Support
custom table search redirect david Hi Paul,

I added this to my customtable_search.tpl:

<input type="hidden" name="redirectto" value="{CURRENTURL}" />

It doesn't redirect back to the current url. I don't get any errors anything. Search is working fine.
Am I missing something?

Oct 09, 2008 - 7:43 AM Paid Scripts Support
Narrow results to results containing

Link to these search results