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Jan 21, 2016 pm31 8:25 PM

Big release tonight, 9.2.40. It includes 5 fixes:
- Fixed unparsed {BUMPSTODAY} in autobumping field description. This affects you if you have the bumps system on, normally used for classifieds websites that order by submission time.
- Fixed lightbox on validate attachments page. Just cosmetic and only the admins see it, but it makes the process of validating attachments a bit easier and prettier.
- Fixed display of attachments from other members on previewing editing listing. Previously, if you were an administator editing a regular member's listing, the preview frame would not show the images they uploaded. Now all images are shown in the preview.
- Fixed theme packager option to include custom fields. Previously, selecting to include custom fields was causing an error -- now you can use all the options as intended, though in most cases you won't want to.
- Fixed autodeletion of old abandoned file attachments. This was an odd old bug

One change that's halfway between a fix and a feature:
- Ads no longer show in the admin panel. This change arose from the realization that some people are putting ad slots in the redirect template. The redirect template is used after submissions, but it's also used various places in the admin panel like the importers, and javascript junk from those ads can break the automatic redirects that you need for the importers. So I decided that ads shouldn't be visible in the admin panel, which means you can safely place ad slots in the redirect template now.

And three new features:
- Added wsn_makeconfirmdialogajax and wsn_makeconfirmdialog for easier confirmation dialogs. These are just developer tools making it a lot easier to leverage jqueryui, but if you're an advanced user it'll be quite handy -- see last week's blog about making confirmation dialogs for deleting files for an exampel of how to use it.
- Added play/pause for slideshows. Covered this in the last blog.
- Added Dutch language pack. Got Dutch-speaking visitors? Copy /languages/setup/Dutch.lng to /languages/Dutch.lng to install it. It was designed for WSN Gallery and will thus need minor adjustments for other scripts.

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