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Commas in category names

Comments on Commas in category names

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Commas in category names
Posted Mar 21, 2013 - 6:56 PM:

Having commas in category names makes the rewritten URL change to the category ID rather than the category name. Is there an way to make it so cammas are ignored in URL rewriting.

So category

London, England

would simply be


Usergroup: Administrator
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Posted Mar 25, 2013 - 5:58 AM:

It can only ignore the commas safely if you have {CATID} in the rewrite scheme, like {CATREWRITEPATH}-{CATID}/{PAGE}.html. But I suppose I can rig it to ignore commas unsafely, so that you have to make sure you don't have any categories named "London England" that'll confuse it. I can do that as a $60 custom project.
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