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Images not deleting from attachments

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Posted Sep 05, 2005 - 12:57 PM:

New issue I discovered over the weekend. When deleting member album images, they do indeed disappear from the albums BUT they remain in attachments. I noticed in one of my toplists that images I had just deleted are still there.

I ran the unused attachments utility but, it did not remove the images (all this means that the associated table(s) are not registering the deletion, as well ~right~).

I also noticed text files were being generated in the attachments folder with the same name as some of the newly uploaded images. Should that be happening?

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Posted Sep 07, 2005 - 7:14 AM:

Okay, fix will be uploaded shortly.

I also noticed text files were being generated in the attachments folder with the same name as some of the newly uploaded images. Should that be happening?

Text files? You probably just mean they have .wsn extensions, which is the default setting in 2.2.

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Posted Sep 07, 2005 - 9:06 AM:

AHhhh, that's what it is. I remember reading that you had made some changes like that for increased security. My ftp program showed them as text files, not knowing the extension.

Thanks for taking care of these, the gallery has really boosted my site popularity. Upgrading has been emotional, I'll have to workout a private testing gallery next upgrade, if there are as many new features as this one (though, this has all the features I can think of).

Any progress with the advanced search issue we addressed in a previous thread?

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Posted Sep 07, 2005 - 3:26 PM:

Uploaded the fix as 2.25 (it's a tiny change, but I'm trying to keep the version number close to the WSN Links version).

Any progress with the advanced search issue we addressed in a previous thread?

You'll have to remind me where that was.

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Posted Sep 07, 2005 - 4:10 PM:

Thanks for the fix!

The error in the search is still disabling all of my member search functions. The thread that we initially discussed it in is located at the bottom of this page:


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Posted Sep 09, 2005 - 10:09 AM:

Hey, Paul.

Still having a few issues. The first may be a non-issue but, I wanted to run it by you. In my toplist, the script was trying to call images that no longer existed in attachments. I looked in the dB and, there were still attachment rows for those images. I did a test upload/delete and, it did indeed remove the associated row so, probably a non-issue but, is there a way to do an unused attachment search on the dB (looking for rows that no longer have associated images)?

This next one is a definite bug I found. I was getting the same thing as above, script trying to call an image thumbnail where there apparently was no image (little x-ed out image placeholder). I clicked through to the album and, saw the same x-ed thumbnail placeholder. When I clicked on the thumb link, the valid full-sized image appears. I refreshed several times and, still no thumbs for valid images. I got into the database and did some digging. Here what I found:

The names of the images having the thumb non-display issue all have an "#" symbol in the file name. I took the # out of the file name in the dB and did the same to the file in 'attachments' via ftp. Low and behold, THE THUMB DISPLAYS!

I recall these images displaying thumbs properly in 2.15 so, this is a recent version issue.

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Posted Sep 09, 2005 - 6:34 PM:

1) There should be a checkbox in the unused attachments page now to do that.
Edit: Actually I guess that only applies to deleted attachments, so it wouldn't get the ones affected by the bug.

2) I'll put something in to forcibly remove #s.

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Posted Sep 09, 2005 - 8:50 PM:

The thing about the # is that these same image files generated thumbs fine before in 2.15. This may be purely academic but, I wonder what changed to make the new version have these problems. If you are forcibly removing those, might as well get rid of all the other symbols that might give php issues ($ % & ? etc).

Thanks, as always.

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Posted Sep 19, 2005 - 9:25 AM:

Did the above change get added yet? I checked the version date so, I don't think it's complete. Just checking.

In my effort to avoid continually starting new threads for little topic, I've got another quick question. The limit member total 'Number of image submissions' allowed function doesn't seem to be working. I tested it on a profile created pre 2.20 (2.15, to be exact) and, it just let me keep adding new images. I was thinking it might be because some the images were uploaded in the earlier version.

Can you confirm that the function is working properly?

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#10 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Sep 20, 2005 - 5:27 AM:

The # removal is in place in WSN Links, but I haven't uploaded the next version of Gallery yet, will probably do so today after I check the submissions limit.

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#11 - Quote - Permalink
Posted Sep 21, 2005 - 8:33 AM:

Confirmed and fixed the submissions limit issue in 2.26.
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