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Reciprocal Checker
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Comments on Reciprocal Checker


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Posted May 23, 2006 - 9:43 AM:

Hi Paul,

Not sure when you redone the site but the header looks nice man.

When I do a check for 'Reciprocal Check' and it finishes it only shows 33 pages. When I add a link to our data base the last link on page 33 will drop off so its not showing all the links that we have in our data base.

How can I get all the page links at the bottom of the page to show up?

Also, once the Reciprocal Checker is finished it will only show 20 listing per page. How do I change that so I can get at least 100 listings to show up?

I have checked the setting and dont see where I can change things so I had to come here to ask you for your help on this.



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Posted May 25, 2006 - 6:06 PM:

It only checks reciprocal links which aren't already marked as suspect (or suspended, deleted etc). Are you sure you have more than 33 pages?

The number of suspects per page isn't configurable, I'll look into that for 3.3.19.

Usergroup: Customer
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Posted May 25, 2006 - 8:23 PM:

Hi Paul,

Im sure we have more than 33 pages of links. That would only be 660 links.

It shows 20 links per page with 33 pages. When I add a link it will take away the last link on page 33. I guess you can say it pushes it out of the way to make room for the new link I add.

On page 33 on the last listing its showing owner ID of something like 1852.

Having the ability to set the number of pages to show would be a great addition. When someone removes our reciprocal link from their site it would make it much easier to find if 300 or so pages would show up. That way i can find their listing faster and suspend it and dispatch an email so they will know their listing has been suspended until our link is found at their site again.

Thanks for all the help Paul.


Usergroup: Customer
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Posted May 27, 2006 - 9:40 AM:

Hi Paul,

I was just checking out those 33 pages and for some reason they are showing multiple listing for a lot of sites.

I for sure only have them listed once at our site but its showing multiple listings for some sites.

Example: The Hire Sense is showing up on pages 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 as a couple other sites are doing the same thing.

I have checked the categories out and they are only listed once but a lot of sites are showing up multiple times within those 33 pages that come up when I run "Reciprocal Checker"

Can you suggest anything that I can do so this will not happen and once I run the reciprocal checker all our sites in our data base comes up. Its only showing 33 pages of links with 20 sites on each page and a lot of them are coming up multiple times.



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Posted May 27, 2006 - 11:19 PM:

The duplicates are a pagination bug, fixed that along with adding per-page options for 3.3.19.

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Posted May 28, 2006 - 11:26 AM:

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the reply. Where can I get that update? I only see the 3.3.18

Would I just upload a certain file to fix this or do I need to do a full upgrade?


Usergroup: Administrator
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Posted May 30, 2006 - 10:11 PM:

It'll be available tonight. You should always follow the readme.html instructions for upgrading.

Usergroup: Customer
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Posted Jun 01, 2006 - 8:52 AM:

Hi Paul,

Got the update email.


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